Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Random thoughts...

I can't get over it is April...when I wanted time to pass a bit quicker here, like the year of Test Pilot school that I did NOT drug on I have to admit I am feeling rushed.  We had dinner at the club with the couple we had over last night...they are so nice and I am really excited we met them...Dinner was actually, not the actual food. I try to stay at the salad bar....the kids ate well and sat for a long time we could talk.  We saw some other friends there too, so it was a nice outing for us in general.  
Zach had a huge triumph yesterday...okay to explain...He HATES getting his toenails cut...he is fine with fingernails, hair, but toenails send him into hysterics...I literally have to sit on him to get him to stay still and let me do it and he is still screaming and crying the whole time. They get so long my mom calls them talons and they make it hard for him to put his socks on.  So with Zach it is often best to let him think he is in I let him choose the day we were going to cut them....he chose August...I reminded him it had to be in March....he chose March 31, of course.  I asked yesterday what time...he tried to give me really late times when he was already in bed, so I told him between 1-5...he chose 4:30...seeing a pattern?  So at 4:09 I said, I know it is early, but lets just get this over with, are you ready?  Oh My God!  He let me cut his nails...I didn't have to hold him,  didn't hear crying, whining...there was no thrashing or hitting...they are all short and he actually said," thank you mommy, when they get long again, you cut them, okay?".  I was so thrilled...Little things for most are huge things here I tell you.
Still very intrigued with this idea of sensory processing disorder...looking into that and finding out more...requesting a new evaluation in Texas once we get there...we will see what we can find out for our little guy...
Erin is starting to have separation issues...Zach didn't go through this until he was about a year older than her and it was when I was super pregnant with her. She is all about me and it kills her when I leave. It kills me too!
Just learned sales tax here is going up to 9.25%....what the heck????  I am so irritated I can't even fully speak about this or I will lose it...just another reason this place drives me batty and I am so ready to leave...4 years here I think I have handled without too much bitching...but man if I choose to write a blog on all the things about being here that have just done me in, and I probably will, be prepared!  
Okay...I am off to get myself looking like a semi living and functional mom....having lots of abdominal pain on the right side...will watch it for the day and see if it this is more serious and I need to seek out a doctor...for now lets hope not...
AUTISM AWARENESS DAY is tomorrow...I will be sure to blog about that....

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Glad you guys met that new couple...even though you'll be leaving soon, it's good to know that some good people are there. And that is a huge moment with the toenails! Awesome!