Thursday, April 30, 2009

May? Really?

So another month seems to fly by for us and more and more things are going on and keep popping up to get done...I like being busy, but I actually need to get a new purse calendar because mine is too small and I can't fit everything on it right now...crazy!
  • Garage sale went well...crazy 40 mile an hour wind and super cold temps that AM kept a lot of people away or rushing through things when they did stop by.  We sold all of the big items from the backyard and so far the kids have said nothing about it, so I am feeling good with that.  
  • My crown goes on May 4th...I am totally tooth paranoid right now because of it...eating is not as fun because I am fearful of cracking the temp.  
  • I am the best wife really!  Brandon leaves Friday for Vegas for a going away night with friends....again best wife ever.  He will be back Saturday afternoon.  Then I get the crown Monday night, he will head to Long Beach that night for a TDY (work trip)...he then goes straight from there to Abilene and will be there until Saturday...he will fly into San Diego where we will meet him and spend mother's day weekend.  Yeah.  I am excited to get a trip into SD before we leave....we love it there and will miss it!  The drive is about 3.5 hours, so we plan to get up early on Saturday to meet him and have the day to play at the beach.  We stay at the navy lodge and it makes it really cheap and it!!
  • Got a call from the other behaviorist yesterday that we had an assessment done with back in February I think...finally got it approved through an insane amount of hours and 6 weeks to use it...she is coming Friday...right after the other behaviorist.  Should be interesting to see if I can swing all of this. Technically I shouldn't have both coming, but as long as one doesn't know about the other I will play dumb.  :)  I have waited this long, I will take what I can get.  Zach is having some issues with the move, basically understanding it all...going to Texas helped some, but also confused him a bit.  He has been acting out the last few days and I am just frustrated to see some things he is doing...but I am hopeful I can curb it.  
  • Found out Disney is doing a huge military promotion right now...30% hotel rates,  free passes for military member and reduced rate for dependents, etc.  Also if you go on someone's birthday you get their pass free and you get some perks.  So...for Zach's birthday we are heading to Disney...going on the 22nd and 23rd...We had thought of a party, but the weekend is memorial day and everyone goes out of town and never shows...the rates for the party place in town we used last year are we are not sure right now if we will do a party somewhere in town that he can have his preschool friends or a party here at home with a few base friends...I just don't know.  If we do the jump place again it will have to be a joint party for the kids to make it fair.  We move on Erin's birthday.  But the Disney thing worked out to be really a great price and perfect timing.  Some friend that live at Travis will be there too and we hope to see them that first night.  Haven't seen them since we left Abilene!
  • I am mildly stressed about the swine flu with us living in Southern CA...also the city in Texas we are moving to has had their schools shut down from it....ugh.  
  • I am off to shower and get ready for my day...Not a dull moment this week!!!


AprilJ said...

Reading your post makes me tired for you! We have friends up here who have been to Disney with the military promo. It is a great deal! ENJOY! I always remember Zachary's birthday since it's the day after Kara! Sounds like you're finishing your time in Calif. well. That's not easy but it's admirable.

Oh, and yes.. you are clearly the best wife ever.

Kelley said...

You and I seem to have switched lives! Ours has slowed down and yours is crazy! :) And you definitely win Best Wife award!!!!

Unknown said...

Darn right you are going to see those friends!! Can't wait! I didn't realize that was memorial day weekend. San Diego should be extra crowded for us! Must go rest now, just reading your blog exhausts me. ;-)