Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday, Monday...

Well I finished my book, Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult.  I liked it...I like her books and style of writing a lot, so it was a good book and a different type of book than I had expected.  Have a few on my pile to choose from to start...not sure if I will read another one by her or try something new.  Jennifer Wiener's book Certain Girls comes out in Paperback tomorrow, so I will look for that while in town...
Doing a social outing with the behaviourist and Zach tomorrow...hopefully it goes well....meaning she can give me hints and helpful ideas.  He has been great the past few times we have gone out, so it figures he will be good tomorrow for her.
Speaking of angel Erin...well I met her evil twin today...Lord help me!  That girl has got some pipes on her and will power that is beyond impressive...strong as an ox and determined...I am screwed.  She just has had a day today with a lot of attitude. Very out of character for her.  I am not sure to be concerned that she is sick or that she is now almost two and this is my new child.  I am not sure if it is bad parenting to hope for the first.  Needless to say even Zach was shocked at her tantrum tonight and just shook his head in disbelief.  She is talking a lot more and is able to make simple sentences.  I want snack (drink, boo-boo, etc)  She can count, name some colors, letters and most body parts...follows simple directions - well now that might be according to her mood.  :)  She is really doing well and doing things that I never saw in Zach until much it is awesome and strange for me all at once.  To have a child able to be verbal this young is just not at all normal in this house and taking us completely off guard...Brandon was changing batteries in one of her favorite toys last night and she said, "What are you doing Daddy?'  Clear as day...we both looked at each other, then at her and she waited for an answer while we were lifting our chins off the floor...
Zach is doing well with things too...dressing himself and undressing without a meltdown...asking questions and answering them.  The asking part is is great to see him show interest and be able to express it.  I am loving it.  He is doing well in school...sitting longer to do projects with teachers and doing more of his work without complaint...he is so smart it is scary sometimes...he knows all his states and pretty much where most a lot of capitals...has an atlas he reads before bed each night....his newest obsession. I figure that it is better to let him have an obsession that is educational. He can tell time, read...just doing well.  I am so darn proud of him.  
I am getting nervous and excited to go to San Antonio....I think it will be fun to see the city we are moving to...we have never done that before when we have moved, so this will be new for us.  I am hopeful we find a house and a good place, nice neighborhood...I feel pretty good about it actually.  I am nervous because we are leaving Erin with my parents while we are going...We will be gone Tuesday - Thursday...back Thursday afternoon...Brandon is staying one extra day to go into work and get acquainted with his new job.  I hope Erin is good for my parents and is the sweet Erin I know and love...the twin needs to stay here. :)  
Anyhow...I am off to get some laundry some reality TV that I have recorded and off to bed to start a new other words...down time for mommy!!!!


Kelley said...

Uh oh! The evil twin!!!!! Hopefully it passes quickly!

Anonymous said...

I have always said that Erin will keep you hopping. She is a determined little one and I can only presume that this is just the beginning of many a tug of wars. It does get better - maybe more years later than you would like.:) Love you...............