Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well first let me say thanks for all the sweet words and comment on the last post...I appreciate the love and support more than you know. 
I had some issues late in the week that led me to think I might have appendicitis.  Luckily I just now have to make a trip to get another ultrasound and visit the GI doctor.  My IBS might be acting up again...not sure. I was in a lot of pain Wednesday and just need to figure out what is going on with that.   
We had a good weekend...Friday we had dinner and some family time indoors...Friday was insane here with the wind.  it was windy in the AM, but by 11 when Zach got home it was awful.  The wind was 45-60 miles an hour all day...not gusts, that is just how fast it was blowing.  There was crap all over the street...lucky us it came on garbage day.  It was a mess and no one was out trying to clean it up.  Brandon had gone to LA Thursday, so came home to a nice messy street and front of the house.  
We ran errands in town Saturday with the kids...nothing exciting, but we enjoyed the time out and together and it was a nice day....then came home and got ready for a BBQ with some new was a nice night around some really great families we are lucky enough to have met lately.  
Sunday...well today was a day full of cleaning up and out.  I cleaned up some items in the closet (toyland)...I needed to just suck it up and clean out some toys of the kids that I knew they wouldn't want gone, but don't play with very often. I let Zach out with Brandon for a good chunk of the day so I could really get things out of the house, in the garage and ready for the garage sale later this month.  We have so much stuff I am willing and wanting to get rid of...It is nice to start to rid myself of it.  I have bought so much since we moved I have said before I think I have filled that void of being bored and unhappy here with just stuff.  Buying to make me happier and hoping the kids will be happier...just an outlet that I needed to get control of and hopefully now do.  We are having a yard sale on April excited to get things out of here and hopefully make some money at the same time.  
Finished my Christmas scrapbook finally...almost done with my book...
We are heading to San Antonio the week after Easter for a few days to house hunt...we have found some good properties that are for rent that we are interested in seeing in person...I am starting to lean away from base housing a bit now that we are being told the wait is about 3 months...with two kids and a dog, that is a long time to be without a house...I want to get a feel for the neighborhoods, schools, etc.  I think living in a city and having the chance to mingle outside the military will be great for all of us. to bed now...

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