Saturday, March 14, 2009


Here are a few photos from the past few days and a recap.
Wednesday I came back from speech with Zach and went down the street to a coffee for my squadron...only the second one in 3 years I have attended...I disliked the old Commander a lot, so the first two years I had no desire to go to the ones hosted by his wife that I didn't like too much either...the past year I have had a hard time making the coffees...they have either been when Brandon is gone (tdy), nights we have something else going on or often in town. So this was a few homes down, I was able to go. It was fun and the wives there were mostly all new to the squadron...figures. I am leaving the new ones are great and fun people. But I met them, have the chance to keep up in the next few months before I move and maybe end up with some new "friends" down the road. Never know...
Thursday I was in town and got some things done...nothing too exciting...Brandon flew and was home late. Friday I had a play date for the kids in the afternoon and that was nice...we hit the park since the weather was so sunny and no wind. Miracle here to have no wind! I saw my friend Kristie and her three little was nice.
Friday night Brandon and I headed out for an early anniversary dinner and had big Erin babysit. The kids adore her, so it was a treat for all. We went to Fresca II (the place I took you mom and dad when you were here). Nice dinner and good food...all in all a nice night out for us. I got up today, walked Sally and went shopping with the Erin's...tomorrow is my date day with Zachary....we are going to town to play miniature golf. I am so excited...picture for sure to follow...
Here are a few from the past few days...not many!
Also...thank you for all the comments on my last blog. I got a lot to my personal email and appreciated everyone's thoughts and the chance to share mine with all of you. I have to agree with my mom though...I might actually be luckier than most, I have gone to Holland and Italy and they are both fantastic.
Zachary showing off his light bright picture...fireworks!
Erin working in the playdough kitchen...
Both the kids doing playdough...Brandon had fun with them while i was at the coffee...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that you got to a coffee and have a nice time. Hope that your golfing day with Zachary was fun. Love the pictures of the children as always. And yes, a very Happy Anniversary. Nice to hear that you got out to celebrate.
Love, Nowie