Saturday, March 21, 2009


This was a good week...Zachary had a good week up until yesterday. He had a rough day at school and then for the most part a good day.  I am so ready for him to get out of this school.  The one he goes to in town is is a regular preschool through a church, Palmdale United Methodist Preschool (PUMP).  He has been in 3 classrooms there, 3 teachers and I have always liked them and felt he was getting a great chance to learn around great people. In particular, I love the teacher he has now, Miss Fabi.  She is awesome. I actually requested her room and am so glad I did...she is sweet but firm and is on top of everything. He goes there Tuesday and Thursday...I would put him there daily if it weren't for the 45 minute drive there and 4 hours I have to spend in town while he is there.  The other school is through the school district. It used to be on base and is now in a small town off base, Boron. He is picked up on a van and drive there, 25 minutes each way.  The class itself is only about an hour and a half long...special ed class working on speech skills.  He seems to like it, but I have always felt it holds him back a bit in intellect...he is doing well above what the class is learning.  (Example - Miss Fabi knows he can read, so she let him read a story to his class on Thursday).  The speech school also have other children with issues, some less, some more...but the behavior he sees there isn't behavior he has at home, but is seeing and learning there. Frustrating to say the least. His teacher there is great, but has been out on maternity leave since Christmas...3 subs since then.  I just think the school offers him very little that right now he needs...however if we take him out of it, he doesn't get services for Autism because first you must go through your district.  UGH...I am glad we will be moving soon!
He had school pictures this week...cap and gown ones!  His graduation is June 10th at night...I am pretty excited about it.
He just started to not only figure out answering questions, but is asking them. HUGE!  He is almost five. He didn't answer yes or no until 3 1/2. He has been answering some questions for a while now, like "what".  But the harder ones, why, who, where, when, how....have been much more of a struggle. Like all things Zachary, it just seemed to come together.  It makes it easier for us to communicate with him and I think for him it gives him the chance to questions the world around him and feel like he has some control.  I know that some times his poor brain is not in control and that must feel this is nice to see him asking and answering...being involved in his world.  
He also has been better about trying new foods this past week...always a key here. Erin will try everything...might not like it all, but she will try all food.  
Speaking of the little one...she finally switched from calling me Mahi to Mommy yesterday. Happened out of the blue and is too sweet. She is talking more, pointing and just in general a fun baby. Can't get over the fact she will be 2 when we move...where the hell did those years go. I am not as shocked he will be 5 as she is 2.  It is amazing how that slipped away.  She is a busy girl...learning her numbers, letters, colors....although she usually calls everything Geen (green). She is willing now to let me put her hair back, but it doesn't stay all day....I call it progress and am okay with that. She and Zach actually play really well together and he is an awesome brother to her. She thinks he is the best thing in the world!  I love watching them together.  
I feel pretty darn blessed that I celebrated nine years of marriage this week and have this wonderful family around me.  Struggles aside, I am so lucky and feel grateful each day...

*** Finished Nicholas Sparks "The Lucky One" always love his books and think it was good.  Started Jodi Picoult's "Change of Heart" far I am sucked in as I usually am with her books...

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