Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Nine years...
Today is my nine year anniversary with Brandon....hard to believe sometimes it has been that long and then other times it seems like it has been longer.  I am happy to say that this year we have no big hoopla planned...we went to eat on Friday night together and plan to spend today doing the speech tonight for Zach, so we are doing a family dinner.  I like that.  We don't ever hide the fact that our marriage isn't perfect...we have hit road bumps and had our share of disagreements.  What I am thankful for is that we saw a reason to work through it.  I have someone by my side that is genuinely a good person.  He is my best friend.  I am glad we are with each other in this world to share experiences good and bad together.  In fact I thought the other night what is the hardest part of him being isn't having him gone or being alone...that I can handle.  I miss having him there in those moments when the kids do something new, or big, or fun and he isn't with me to share it.  
I feel pretty lucky today.  I have two amazing children that I adore and make me happy beyond words.  I have a great husband who is at the end of the day my best friend.  We have had a good nine years...not perfect.  I say that is success.  Happy Anniversary!


Kelley said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! Nine years of good times and bad, and the determination to love each other no matter what. Very inspiring!

Anonymous said...

You have made it thru nine years of more bumps than smooth road so you will definitely see many many more wonderful years of paved bliss.
Much love, Nestie ox