Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pasadena photos...

So here are the photos from our trip last Sunday to Pasadena...might head to Santa Barbara tomorrow if the kids are up to it....Zach has a cold and Erin is possibly going down the same we'll play it by ear...Just wanted to post some...
This museum is great for older kids, not as great for Erin's age...Zach loves the outdoor bike course.
Erin tried to do it too...
We told her no...oh the dramatics...
He is so cute out there...
My happy smiley girl...
Wow...he is getting big...
Out of order, but Erin coming down the slide...she is full of spunk this one!
This was the before...
I love this face...
The ladies...
So that is it...I have some more outdoor pictures of us from the last week or so too...bubbles! I will get those up tonight if I get a second...
Went to town today to pick up my glasses...yeah I can see. Did some shopping at Costco and let the kids play at the park right next is actually a great park and I hope I can take them there more in the next few months. Erin who watches my Erin will be heading to CO for about 3 weeks at the end of April. Her husband is going to a school in NC with the Army to train for a new job...she isn't going with him, but just quit her other job and has time to go home and see when she is gone I will have to be a bit more creative on my Tuesdays and Thursdays with Erin in tow. I can't complain...she is a fun little girl and having her around is always fun for me.
Not much else...I made a yummy crock pot dinner last night compliments of my Texas friend Kelley...had some prizes from Costco tonight. Hoping to walk with Sally again in the AM...we did our 4 miles today and it was great. I love that darn dog.
Off to read and bed...try to get the rest of the photos up!


AprilJ said...

I'd love to do 4 miles with you and Sister!! The weather is getting a little better here and I've been venturing out more lately. I want a rescue sled dog to walk with me. I think it would keep me walking even in the bad weather.... the pics of the kids are SO CUTE!

Kelley said...

Oh, I love the one of Erin after being told no!!!!!