Thursday, March 5, 2009

Keeping up...

Okay it has been a while since I have posted.  Sorry to anyone keeping up...
I have some photos from the last week or so I need to post, but they aren't on this computer, so I will post tomorrow if I get a free minute.  
We went to Pasadena last Sunday to the children's museum...will post those photos and info on the trip in the next blog...
All in all a good week here for us.  The stupid behaviorist cancelled for her appointment Monday...second cancelled appointment from her and I am just overall annoyed and done with her.  She has yet to meet my child...comes and hands me photo copied hand outs of literally crap I can get on the internet...insulting on some level.  I am trying to tough it out since we need to prove we need the service to retain it for Texas....just found out about a program here that we are eligible for that would give him more services...sadly we just got news about it...the letter came after the holidays and we called to see if he can get anything through them....Fingers crossed...a friend here has a son, also diagnosed with autism and her son is getting 2 hours in home every day of the week...big difference from the drip I have coming here. She is scheduled for tomorrow AM...we will see how it goes.  
I am reading Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult right now...just got two of her books in the mail from Barnes and Nobles...I am anxious to get through this one and on to the others...I love her writing and enjoy her books a lot.  
Walked in town both days this week and glad I made myself do it...I didn't want to, but did anyway.  I plan to do my long walks with Sally this weekend too...We have thought about driving to Santa Barbara to take the kids to the zoo...I honestly have no clue how far that is or if it is worth it, but hey we have 3 months left here to do stuff...lets go and do.  
I still want to head back to Disney with the kids....There are great military deals right now with them, so we plan to go in the next month I think...need to pick dates, book hotel and do it.  I know it will be worth it and fun for the kids at this age.  I still really would love for my husband to take me to Knottsberry farm.  I love Snoopy and that is the home of Snoopy....seriously 4 years here and we have yet to go...not okay!!  We will for sure hit San Diego I am sure at the end of May or first weekend in June before the will be a must.  I have loved having that beautiful city as our escape and wonderful place to enjoy time together.  One thing I will surely miss.  
I am working on my Christmas scrapbook now...another small book like the one I did this summer...10 pages done and about 8 to go...looks really good and again I am enjoying the little book to do for a vacation and specific time frame.  
Researching and looking into homes in San Antonio...not sure about what we will end up doing...Base housing would be great, but the waiting list is long and we can't put our names on it until two months before the next month.  Most people we spoke to said that it took them several months to get a house...I don't want to live in the TLFs (temporary living facility) with two kids for months...doesn't sound fun.  Lots to buy and rent, but not sure what we will do...
Well I am off to bed and read some of my book before I close my eyes.  So ready to get my glasses next week....I went to the eye doctor last week and got two new pairs ordered...My left eye is basically basically doesn't work because my right is stronger and does all the work for when I don't wear glasses my right eye is getting all the strain, causing me headaches lately and overall just not feeling great.  So the last few days I have been wearing an old pair of glasses...prescription not right, but better than what I have without for sure....what a difference. I am surprised I functioned so long without glasses...I seriously am able to read, watch tv and write on here so much better...I loathe the idea of wearing contacts because putting anything in my eye freaks me out to no I will just have to get used to wearing glasses a lot more...Seeing is worth it!!!
I am off...promising photos soon...thoughts go out to April...hope Clayton finally makes it home this weekend...6 weeks of an unexpected TDY is enough already!!!  And to my friend Emily...she has had a rough week and I want her to know I love her dearly...please keep them in your thoughts too...positive thoughts, positive energy...


AprilJ said...

Thank you, Susan!! I was loving your post and then I was tearing up. I love you!!

I also wanted to agree that your behaviorist is a stupid drip. Stupid is a new favorite word for me, I am trying to be like a kindergartner. At least in TX you will have so much more available... and everything is cheaper in TX (groceries, gas, houses)... Looking on the positive side.

Thirdly, I really liked Plain Truth. I didn't think I would but I did. Enjoy, it's really interesting learning about the Amish. I had no idea about so much of the stuff she wrote about.


Anonymous said...

I hope that the behaviorist comes through for you today. Honestly! I agree with April that she is stupid. By the way that word works well and has for many years!! Love You, Nowie

Kelley said...

Sounds like you guys have been busy! And lots of planning for the upcoming months ahead too. Let me know what you think of Plain Truth...