Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Okay...I have been stewing over a few things and just can't let it go...I am not one to shy away from sharing my opinions, but over the last few years I have learned there are appropriate forums for it. I can't just say what I want on Facebook...or at a social function. Not only might I offend people, but more importantly I know people don't always agree and it isn't worth the judgement or arguments. So this is my blog and my place to voice the things I think and feel...
So here is my warning to all my friends and readers...if you don't like what I am saying, I am sorry. Be forewarned that I am speaking my mind and my feelings and they might not agree with yours.

With that being said...Most people don't know what my political stance is. Why? Because A, I don't openly share it anymore and B, I am not sure I do anymore. Case in point, my views on two big topics on the news and the fact I am not siding with one party, but rather two. Most people that know that I am married to someone in the military assume I am a republican. Most people in the military tend to be conservative and republican, it is simply a fact. Other friends who know that I was a sociology major, did social work and have a lot of liberal thoughts on social things, think I am a democrat. What most don't know, is that right now, I am not sure what the heck I am.
I am a liberal thinker. I think everyone and anyone should be able to make their own choices and then deal with the consequences of those choices. Example...I have gay friends and support their rights to be happy and live fulfilled lives. They deserve the right to all the happiness that heterosexual people have. People might be surprised to learn that for myself I tend to be more conservative in my personal views for myself. A prude, no, but definitely more reserved than people would think (I know my BF from college Kelly is snickering at that comment and its truth).
SO here is what got me going on the political avenue. Two things...the news about immigration laws in AZ and the OK laws on abortion. I think many might be surprised that I am not feeling the love of one party in my stances.
As for the Arizona immigration...standing and clapping. Are you surprised? As much as I do see the issues it can cause of "racial profiling" if you want to go down that road and make that stretch, sure I can see that. But the basic fact is we have some serious issues in this country with immigration. I have lived in Arizona, Southern CA and Southern TX, 3 states plagued with immigration issues. I see the big picture, the problems and the affects it has on everyone living there. I don't see why asking people for documentation to prove they are American citizens is wrong. If you are, then you have no problems. Show your paperwork and move on with your life. But, if you aren't, then you need to go home or be here legally. Harsh, yes! I am a decedent of immigrants, as most Americans are in some form. My grandparents came from families that immigrated here. They learned English, got jobs, went to school and became successful members of society. They became Americans. Assimilated into this country's culture. See that is the thing, immigration isn't come to America, make lots of money, send it home to your country, continue to live as you do in your other country and refusing to learn the native language. Immigration is wanting to move to a new country and be part of it. So on that stance, I would say I fall on the republican side and I am okay with that. I took my child to the ER in CA. It had metal detectors and an 8 hour wait on a slow weekday. Why? Lines of people with no insurance, not able to speak English, using it for routine medical care. Just one of many examples I can give you. While working in Abilene at the domestic violence shelter we housed a women that crossed "the river" into America with her alleged abuser. Had a child and came to Noah for help. She stayed for over 2 years. Never working, never learning English, barely doing chores and taking care of her own needs. She lived for free. Why? One of my bosses was of Mexican descent and felt sorry for her. I get that, but if you want to be here and start a life, then you have to work for it. She was an undocumented person all that time. I really had a hard time with that and said so at the end of my employment there.
Then the OK legislation...oh goodness. You can read about it below, I copied the link to the article.
Basically in the state of OK they want to require all women before an abortion to hear their babies heartbeat and see them on an ultrasound. Yikes. I see what they are trying to do...make them feel guilty and not abort. But is that right? Listen...I am pro choice, plain and simple. I am not pro abortion. In many ways I am pro life. I have never had an abortion or been in a position to need to consider that. I have however seen people who have. Unwanted pregnancies lead to unwanted children. Some people simply aren't able to be parents, for a multitude or reasons that are theirs and theirs alone. I believe in God. I believe in his judgement, not my own. It is not my place to tell anyone what they think or believe is wrong. Every choice has a consequence and each person will need to deal with that on their own. I am not here to tell anyone that what they do is right or wrong, I can only worry about myself and be the best person I can. I just think it is wrong to make laws like this. Add guilt to the plate of a woman who already is going to feel guilt. Or waste money and time on a woman who has her mind made up and is ready to make the choice before her without reservation. Either way, isn't it up to her. Can't you offer the ultrasound, not force it? I just think it is wrong.
So I sit here now wondering where the heck to I stand? I can't just check a box and say I am one or the other...I just have no idea anymore. But I do know that I won't start to let go of my opinions, feelings and honest gut instincts to follow one set of beliefs blindly and not look at all sides. I think it is good to question or disagree and keep seeking the better answers to make this country what it should be.


Unknown said...

GREAT Blogg!!!!!!! We tend to agree with you.....! Your father says Go "W" Go.........:)

AprilJ said...

I couldn't agree more with the Arizona issue. I'm appalled at the "outrage". The voters voted it in. Who are the protestors anyway? And I spent some time in the ER in TX.. I know what you're talking about.