Thursday, December 18, 2008

So ready...

I am just getting so ready to have Brandon home...the days can't go by fast enough now at the end. I am ready to enjoy and do things as a family again. I love my family and I am so grateful to be with them, but I miss my husband. His birthday is Saturday...I hate he will be alone. Not the first birthday he has been deployed for, but to me it seems sad. I feel bad knowing that he is alone there with no friends. I wish he had someone to spend his day with or eat a meal...something. But we will spoil him when he gets home. :)
I am still yucky, the kids are yucky...yuck! Tried to get some gifts bought, but I have no gift cards gallore this year for happens. I am sleepy today...I know I wouldn't make it in Seattle, the cloudy weather is not good for me. :) I have to say even the few places we ran to get gift cards and such, it was sad how not busy it is out there this year...people are usually in a rush and running and doing...seemed slow and sad to me. So many good sales too!!!
Will try to write again soon...Enjoying my book the Pact...about 1/3 the way through and so far it is good...I like her books, so I am sure it will end well too...Off I go!


Kelley said...

Poor Brandon! I'm sad to hear he'll be spending not only Christmas but also his birthday alone and without his family. I'm sure he is just as ready to be home as you are to have him there. Not long now...

AprilJ said...

I think The Pact was my favorite JP book to date.. so sad! Poor Brandonson!!! You're almost there, to the homecoming.

As for the giftcards, they are my favorite give to give and receive.. except for when Clayton's printing out a gift certificate off the computer mere minutes before we're supposed to be opening presents with the kids.. then it kind of sucks ;)