Wednesday, December 17, 2008

ho ho ho...

Well I still feel crummy...but I need to get out and get some gifts bought....I took some medicine last night and can breathe better today, but I can feel it all settling in my chest I will try my best to feel better and get things done so I can start to enjoy my time here. The weather is crummy too...rainy and overcast...cold, dreary...i am not a cold weather fan. I do enjoy the change of scenery from Edwards, but I am not used to the cold and the rain, so it is an adjusment...One thing about Edwards that I like it the weather (minus the dreadful wind). I am trying to think of some fun things to do with the kids and for me, but until I feel better I am not sure what I will do. I need to take some photos and get some uploaded too. I plan to do another vacation scrapbook from this trip...I loved how the one from this summer turned out, so I will try again....started a new book...the pact, Jodi Pichoult...lots of books here to read it! So upset...I was 30-50 pages from being done with Breaking Dawn...had it in the back of the 4Runner...left it there by mistake when getting out at the airport...UGH! So will try to sneak a peek in one if I can get to a my luck!
Off to get ready to run around with the munchkins...wish me luck with the weather, yucky cold and Christmas list...


Kelley said...

The Pact...let me know what you think of it...maybe I'll get that one next! And I can't believe you left Breaking Dawn behind! Oh, the suspense...

Susan said...

Seriously, not one of my better moments to leave a book behind like that...