Friday, December 19, 2008


Happy Birthday to my dad and my brother in law today...
And to my dear husband tomorrow...I hate that you are alone on your big day and that you are so far away....but I can't wait to get you home and with your family who misses you so much. We can't wait to see you and spend time with just you...enjoying our family. You are a wonderful man and I am so very lucky to be your wife and share two amazing children with you. I know that often times in life I am guilty of taking many things for granted and sadly even you and our time together. As much as I hate having you gone on a deployment it is a good reminder to me and dose of reality. I know how lucky I am to have you in my life and to share our life together. I love you so much and just am so ready to have you home...happy birthday!!! I might even be willing to co-share my birthday with you next month...THAT IS know how I love my birthday...I will of course take top billing on it, but I will share...hey if I can teach Zach and Erin to share, I can try it too. I love you Brandon.


AprilJ said...

Happy Birthday Dr. B!!! (and David, too, whom I have never met) Hope you guys have a great day.

Brandonson, happy happy tomorrow.

We love the Millers (and the Boyers!)

Kelley said...

Happy Birthday to Brandon!