Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Quick recap

I know I have been out of the blog land for a while now...busy and not feeling super motivated to write anything. Last few days in CA were busy, stressful and just had me in a crabby mood. I got bad news that a friend I was planning on seeing here had a tragic loss, her husband died unexpectedly in his sleep...they were my age. So sad and my heart aches for her and her loss. I had so much last minute to get done at home. Run Sally to the kennel in town and the vet Friday. I felt like I packed too much, then not enough...The drive was long, but both kids were awesome and I was lucky that everyone did so well. We were so lucky that Pat let us stay with her while we were in AZ for the night. I have known Pat since I was little and she is like family to me...I love her. I am glad the kids had time to play with her and see her and it was nice to have such a great night to unwind after the drive. The flight was good too, but Zach started to have some ear pains at the end. He was crying and super uncomfortable. We had a long drive back to my parent's house from the airport and all of us ready to get to bed and rest. Zach had a cold officially and just gotten worse...I went to bed last night feeling bad and feel ten times worse today...Erin has a yucky nose and is on the way to being sick too. So...that is the story here. We all feel like poop. It is rainy and overcast. Hanging out inside all day I think. My dad is in NY until Saturday so my poor mom has to put up with me and my moods...I have been less than enjoyable as of late. Zach had a bad day yesterday on a lot of levels and my patience wasn't there. So...today I am working on finding that again and reminding myself how crappy I feel is how he feels and he has the right to have an off day or two...easier said than done in the moment.
I am super tired so I will close now...Try to write more soon...


Jo Mama said...

Glad you made it there safely. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope you all feel better soon so that you may fully enjoy the Holidays with your family. Best wishes!

Elizabeth said...

Hope you guys feel better VERY soon! Thank goodness you have your family around to help. Enjoy the holidays!

AprilJ said...

Sending speedy "get better" wishes to the Miller threesome in NC. Hugs to you all (and your folks!)

Kelley said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling so crummy! Hang in there...the cloud will lift when you are all feeling back to normal...