Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Well we are back it, the school routine in full swing. And, as I would expect, but never look forward to, we are having some adjustment issues. Getting up, getting going, lunches packed, dressed, fed and out the door on time, well it is a work in progress. He is much better than last year, so I won't complain too much on that front. Getting used to the long days back in school I think is harder on him than he knows and he isn't realizing he needs his sleep. He is fighting us on bed time...going to bed, but we find him awake in his room later...several times last night! He is starting coming down in the middle of the night, saying he can't sleep, or had a nightmare, etc. It is not fun and I am not enjoying it. I don't want to ignore him if they are true problems, but I also know my son and know he is smart and knows how to manipulate....I am torn. He is definitely showing some attitude and behaviors that I can only attribute to the new adjustments in his life. I am hopeful that we can curb them and in the mean time I am trying to breathe...
Erin is sad each day when her brother and dad leave and I know it will be a while before she gets used to this too. She starts school on September 7th, so two weeks home with me before that fun day...I am excited for her. I like both of her schools a lot. T/Th she will be gone 9-2 in the same school she and Zach attended this summer...I think it will be a good fit for her and for me...allotting me some time to get things done I need to do and want to do. On Wed/Fri she will be at a fabulous school from 9-12 that is an accredited preschool...I spent 3 hours there yesterday cleaning the school with a bunch of the awesome that they do that for the kids and school. Cleaning the grounds, classrooms, toys, etc. She played in the room with all the other kiddos and did great. So excited to see her adapting well to new things, people and much different from a year ago it is almost like night and day. I love this school and have high hopes for her there. Monday she will do dance and have time to hang out with me. :)
I agreed to be on the PTC (PTA) board at Zach's school. I heard that if you do that you can request their teacher for the next year...I like the sound of that. Plus Erin will be there next year in their preschool program and it helps me have my face there and an eye on Zach. I am definitely trying to do more, be involved and try new things.
Zach has his second night of piano tonight...he had speech/OT last night. Sadly his ABA therapist only comes once in the school year...she comes tonight, so today is jammed packed and I have already asked them to move this therapy time to another night...ugh!
I am off to the dermatologist...lots of appointments for me the next 2 weeks and hoping for some answers to things...fingers crossed.
Half way thru this long week of busy busy busy...


AprilJ said...

Here's hoping things become routine for you guys soon. I am waiting for the new routine fall-out with Clay. We're only 2 days in, so I think it won't be long until the "new" wears off. Hang in there!

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