I will admit she isn't the most effective duster, but certainly the cutest...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Little Helper...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Girls Night Out...
Well it was supposed to be Bunko night, but plans changed and we chose to just do a girls night out...It was a lot of fun! After a long and somewhat stressful first week of Zach being back at school, I needed a night out with some friends. I am blessed to have found some great friends here and women that are just a lot of fun. We went to Chuy's...my favorite Mexican Food restaurant here and enjoyed Happy Hour, dinner and lots of chatting. Then on to a "bar" out in Cibolo....totally reminded me a place in Enid and that had me laughing a bit. But it was fun and we were all kid free, husband free and had time to unwind. My sweet friend Carrie drove me, so I was able to have "fun". :) I am so thankful for great friends while living in such a great location...
Me and my friend Kristine...I met her right when we moved here last summer thru meetup.com. The playgroup we both joined was awful, but we became buddies and she started the bunko group thru which I met so many fun ladies...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Well we are back it, the school routine in full swing. And, as I would expect, but never look forward to, we are having some adjustment issues. Getting up, getting going, lunches packed, dressed, fed and out the door on time, well it is a work in progress. He is much better than last year, so I won't complain too much on that front. Getting used to the long days back in school I think is harder on him than he knows and he isn't realizing he needs his sleep. He is fighting us on bed time...going to bed, but we find him awake in his room later...several times last night! He is starting coming down in the middle of the night, saying he can't sleep, or had a nightmare, etc. It is not fun and I am not enjoying it. I don't want to ignore him if they are true problems, but I also know my son and know he is smart and knows how to manipulate....I am torn. He is definitely showing some attitude and behaviors that I can only attribute to the new adjustments in his life. I am hopeful that we can curb them and in the mean time I am trying to breathe...
Erin is sad each day when her brother and dad leave and I know it will be a while before she gets used to this too. She starts school on September 7th, so two weeks home with me before that fun day...I am excited for her. I like both of her schools a lot. T/Th she will be gone 9-2 in the same school she and Zach attended this summer...I think it will be a good fit for her and for me...allotting me some time to get things done I need to do and want to do. On Wed/Fri she will be at a fabulous school from 9-12 that is an accredited preschool...I spent 3 hours there yesterday cleaning the school with a bunch of the moms....how awesome that they do that for the kids and school. Cleaning the grounds, classrooms, toys, etc. She played in the room with all the other kiddos and did great. So excited to see her adapting well to new things, people and places...so much different from a year ago it is almost like night and day. I love this school and have high hopes for her there. Monday she will do dance and have time to hang out with me. :)
I agreed to be on the PTC (PTA) board at Zach's school. I heard that if you do that you can request their teacher for the next year...I like the sound of that. Plus Erin will be there next year in their preschool program and it helps me have my face there and an eye on Zach. I am definitely trying to do more, be involved and try new things.
Zach has his second night of piano tonight...he had speech/OT last night. Sadly his ABA therapist only comes once in the school year...she comes tonight, so today is jammed packed and I have already asked them to move this therapy time to another night...ugh!
I am off to the dermatologist...lots of appointments for me the next 2 weeks and hoping for some answers to things...fingers crossed.
Half way thru this long week of busy busy busy...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Ballerina Erin!
Today was a big first day for Erin too...her first day of dance class. I signed her up for what they call Pre-Dance. Basic Ballet stuff and ages 3-5. She was the youngest in the room, all of the other girls were 4 and one was 3.5. She seemed to keep up fine and had a good time. She was super excited to go and didn't even hesitate to head into the room with the teacher and other girls. I was so proud of that part she could have stood there and not moved, and I would have been proud. She has grown up so much in this last year and today really showed me a lot of that in her. She seemed to be excited to be doing an outing alone with me and I have to admit, I had fun being alone with her. She is a fun, sweet, loving child and we had a fun!
She looked adorable in her outfit...If I do say so myself. Lets hope the interest in this continues and she enjoys it as much next time as she did today.
And he is off....
So here we go...the first day of FIRST Grade has begun and he is off...I am so excited for him and hopeful that this will be an amazing year. He seemed excited and ready. I faked it really well today for him. :) He picked out his own super cute outfit and was ready to go right on time. I love this special boy. He has amazed me time and time again and i know he will do it about a million more...Even today, he wanted to be dropped off in the back, not walked in, because he knew what to do and where to go. I can't wait to see him at 3 and hear all about his day.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Night Before First Grade...
Twas the night before First Grade and all through this house is a bit more confidence and a lot less chaos...
A year ago at this time I was a nervous wreck...I am not sure I slept a wink and I was so wired the next day I am not sure I did anything but pace from the time I dropped him off until I got in the line to pick him up. I am much better this year. We had a fun day at the pool...for 4 hours we swam and played and enjoyed the end of summer. We had a good dinner, fun in the tub and then time for bed with books, cuddles and kisses...He went to sleep right away and seemed in great spirits.
As for me....I am calmer...more prepared and ready for this. I am not going to lie, I am sad to see my summer end and time with him gone. Days when he is in school seem so long. I feel like I never quite know enough about his day and I miss seeing his face as he does new things, learns and has fun. I miss being able to help him in those moments when I know he is struggling, scared or frustrated. I just simply, miss him.
I could say that my days will be less stressful and less noisy. I could rejoice in less mess and less asking for help or needing something to eat. But, I will miss it all. I really will. I love being a mom, his mom. It is a good job.
I feel ready to send him on his way, because this year I know he is ready. He knows the school, his teacher and a few friends from last year. He is excited to go back, to learn and to have fun. He seems ready to take on the challenges more than he was last year. He seems like a bigger boy in so many ways.
He picked out his own outfit. He asked for pancakes for breakfast. He chose to eat the first day in the lunch line...they are serving his favorite meal, mashed potatoes (he pronounces whipppeded) and popcorn chicken. He knows all of his numbers and where his room is. He knows the schedule. He is ready.
I read him the Kissing Hand before bed. I cried as I got to the end and the boy gives his mom a kiss...He noticed I was crying and kissed my hand too...he reminded me what I already know...all of his love is with me even when we are apart and he will come home at 3 and be my little boy.
I am ready...well as ready as I can be. I am just glad that he is ready and can help me remember how to let him go, learn and grow and he will come back to me....
Friday, August 20, 2010
Meet the Teacher...
We were fortunate enough this year to get to have our ARD before school started this year. (It is an IEP for all states minus TX - Individualized Education Plan for kids with special needs).
We were thankful for the opportunity to meet his 1st grade teacher, have his kinder teacher there and all other members of the committee that work with him, speech, OT, special Ed, etc. It was nice to brainstorm some ideas, get ideas about how things will be different or the same for him, let her have some insight into his needs and us to get some into her expectations. We had been told back in June that his teacher would be someone...so we spent all summer working on talking about her...then we get into the meeting and it is a different teacher...yikes!
Turned out that it was a good switch. It was the teacher he had wanted all along and as soon as I told him that there was a change he said, "Oh Yeah, I wanted her to me teacher!". So that worked out well. She seems to have a ton of experience in teaching...she has taught kids on the spectrum, gifted and talented and seems to have a great sense of where kids are academically and teaching to that level. Basically I like her. I think, I hope it will be a good fit. We got some good things we wanted, like a daily communication log...OT consult since he doesn't receive education based services in OT.
We all headed to meet the teacher last night. He has 3 friends from his class last year in his new class...yeah! He was very excited about that. Overall I think he will do well...1st grade looked fun and he is 2 doors down from his kindergarten teacher, so he will get to see and smile at her. He explored the room asked questions and seemed over the moon.
I wish I was as ready. I am so sad to see the summer end. To see him getting bigger and now heading into first grade...it seems like he was just going to preschool. I am thrilled he loves school so much and I hope this is a fantastic year. But...I would love to keep him home with me more and have shorter days...just more Zach time. He is a great child.
So fingers crossed that this will be a good year for him and this is a good fit. Most of all I hope that the smile he had last night lasts all year and he has many more good days than bad...his year is fun, happy and filled with new things. All the best for my wonderful boy.
Off to first grade Monday....
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Batter Up!
Playing with his baseball pitching toy...love that he enjoys baseball so much and hoping it continues...so fun to see him play and and get excited about something like this. He starts Piano this Wednesday...so excited to see if this is a good fit for him. Soccer wasn't last fall, so we are switching gears and aiming for something new. He has always loved music and we feel like this will be a great outlet for him. Fingers crossed we are right and he loves it. :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Big Tub!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Final week...wow!
Where the hell did my summer go? That is my question for you all and myself frankly. How did August get here so fast? Why is school about to start again and how did both of my kids get so big over the summer?
I can say...summer of 2010 was great. I am so very sad to see it go, but so thankful for the memories, the fun and the things we got to do. Sad to not get to do the 100 things on my list I had hoped to get done or try, but we did a lot, had fun and survived with no major problems. To me, that is awesome.
We finished the week with the last day of Joy Camp. I have to say I wasn't sure when summer started if I was okay spending over $600 for both Zach and Erin to be a summer kids day out program 2 days a week...but I loved it, they loved it and we all needed that time. It was a good thing that I plan to do again, next year for sure. :) Erin did so well at that school, she will go back in a few weeks there 2 days a week. I feel badly because today her old teacher from her school last year contacted me to let me know she would have her again...ugh...But, I made my decision for other reasons than the teacher and I am okay with it...time to press forward.
I signed her up for dance class that starts the day Zach starts 1st grade...that would be the 23rd...a week away. I am so not ready to have him be a first grader. Hell, I am not ready to have him back in school from 8-3. I hate the long days without him...really, I do. If I thought I wouldn't go insane and damage him from my lack of significant intellect I would home school just to have that time to enjoy him learn and grow. He is a challenge for sure some days, but what a joy he is as well.
We have his ARD next week, Wednesday. Lots of good thoughts, prayers, whatever your thing is, we could use you doing that for us...hoping his new teacher is wonderful and we get some support for our questions and needs. I plan to have a daily communication log as part of the requirements from the teacher to me and hope that helps a lot of the issues I had last year. In the end it is up to him to do the work, try hard to follow what he is told and curb some of the behaviors we have worked on so hard this summer. I know he can do well and do more than he even knows...I am excited to see him do it.
We really just are all so surprised how fast our summer slipped away. How much fun I have had with my two beautiful faces...lots of swimming at the pool this summer which is wonderful now that I can have both of the up there with me and no issues with nap times and one of them needing me to hold them all the time. Erin swims in her tube or vest the whole time and Zach can go the length of the pool on his own. He even went off the diving board while at my parents in NC. He has come so far!! We had fun with friends too. We enjoyed making memories as a family and looking forward to traditions we are starting together.
I am so thankful for so much. Some days I am simply exhausted mentally and physically by the tolls of my life. For those of you who read this often and that know me well you know that I adore both of my children. But I have also been honest in the challenges that come with our situation. I am thankful that even with the hard days, we have had many more good days. That we are able to do so much more than many others with similar circumstances and that we never loose faith and hope in our future. NO, the summer isn't all sunbeams and rainbows around here. It is hard for Zach to be out of his routine. It is hard for him to have so much "free time" that most kids love...he gets lost in it. It is hard for Erin to have therapists in her house during her fun summer time. It is hard to schedule fun and have therapy still scheduled. It is hard to see your child have regression in areas you thought you had moved past long ago. But, it is all part of this process and the world we live in and the life I wouldn't change. I am far from perfect. I have a lot of personal work and growth to do on me this year. I have seen and learned a lot and know what changes I want and need to make within myself. But, I am so thankful that I have this fantastic family...goofy, loud, squabbling, quirky, snugly, demanding, bossy, funny, smiley, loving family. I really know how lucky I am and trust me that I thankful for it all...even the end of a great summer. Because I am so thankful I can remember how great it was years from now...
Friday, August 13, 2010
More Old Friends and visits...
Last weekend we got another chance to see an old friend that was in town. My friend Colleen grew up in Austin and came to San Antonio to attend a reunion. She was sweet enough to make time to stop by and visit us. I hadn't seen Colleen in about 4 years...she lived at Edwards with us the first year, so she moved away after Zach turned 2. She was a fantastic friend to me there and someone I missed a lot when she left. We both disliked Edwards a lot and it was nice to have someone that I didn't have to pretend around...she felt the same way and neither of us felt bad about it. Our sons are about 5 months apart in age and our daughters the same. Too bad we are so far apart, I know we would have a ton of fun hanging out now. It was a great treat to see her, catch up in person and have a chance to talk. Here is a photo from her trip...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Visiting friends....
We were so lucky that our change of plans on our trip gave us the opportunity to visit some of our best friends. We had to drive at the last minute instead of flying, so we had 2.5 days on each side of our trip in the car. On the way there we just drove...we wanted to get to the beach on time and chose to just focus on the best route there. But, we thought on the way home we would take the time to visit some great friends on the way...it was so worth it!
Bryan and Renee and their children (Eric, Sean and Bella), live in Columbus MS right now. They have been our friends for what feels like forever now. Bryan and Brandon were college roommates and best friends. Renee and Bryan started dating not long after Brandon and I and through that I got to know Renee. We didn't start out as great friends...in fact it took us a while. We were stationed at Dyess in Abilene with them at the same time. When we first moved there Renee and I both had no jobs, no houses to be honest and a lot of time to kill. We took the time to get to know each other and turns out, we got along after all. We became great friends, in fact I would say she became my best friends then for sure and still to this day she is one of my best friends. I haven't seen her in 5 years. Bryan was out in San Antonio earlier this year at Randolph and we got to have some visits with him then.
It was such a treat to see them and their children. I hadn't seen Eric since he was one and never met the twins. It was awesome. The whole family looks great and it was easy to just be there, hang out and have fun. It felt normal, easy and honestly like no time had passed. What I wouldn't give to have the AF station us together again. I am so glad we got this chance...I hope we can take the time to see them again soon...It was far too long to wait!
Here are some photos from the visit. :)
Zach and Bella
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Visit time with my sister and nephew...
While we were in Greensboro (the week after the beach) we had the chance to hang out with my sister and nephew while we stayed with my parents. It was a great chance to see the 3 cousins interact. Zach and Erin both think Jacob is wonderful. We had the opportunity to take him to breakfast with us at one of my favorite spots, the Midtown Cafe and then off to the Winston Salem Children's Museum. Always a hit with the kids. We then got to go swim with him on two occasions, all the kids loved the pool. They have 2 slides that Zachary went down about a million times...he loved it. Erin wouldn't attempt it at all, shocking, I know. Zach even got brave and went off the diving board...super deep end and they made him remove his goggles...he did well and we were all so proud of him.
We also got to go with Jacob and my sister to a place called Funagins and then had lunch at another favorite spot. TJs Deli down the street from where Amy and I went to school. I drove to our old school. A place we both attended all the way thru and graduated from...honestly I was so sad to see that it wasn't remotely the same place i remembered. It was like a totally different place and I felt nothing...no memories, nothing, because nothing was the same. Sad, but things change, life moves on and you learn, you can't go back to some things. I do love the area I grew up and I do get a a little homesick at times for things. I had a great childhood growing up in NC and I am so thankful I had a wonderful place to call home and so many fond memories. I think I will always love it there and glad I can still go back and share it with those I love...
Here are some photos from the time with Amy and Jacob...
Zach and Erin at Funagins
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I'm Back!
For any of you that read this blog on a regular basis and noticed that it has been a while since I last updated, I am sorry. I took a blogging break for a bit and now I am back.
We actually went on a long vacation which was great...and now I have lots of fun things to report on here to all of you.
We had planned to go to NC via plane, but I have had some issues with my left ear for a while. Basically I was told since I couldn't clear it that I shouldn't fly. So we chose to test out the new wheels and drive the 2.5 days to NC from TX...yes, 2.5 days in a car with two kids. Thankfully me new car has a DVD player. It was actually not bad at all and we didn't have any major issues along the way to report. Yeah! We drove night on Friday the 16th from San Antonio to Lafayette LA...we got there at 1 AM and went to bed only to get up early and get back on the road...this time making it to Convington, GA (outside of Atlanta) on Saturday night close to 11 PM. We then had the last day to make it to the beach...we got there around 6 PM, tired, but thrilled! My parents met us there to enjoy some time with us and the kids. It was a great surprise that they chose to come down to be with us. Although we have had visits with them, we haven't had a ton of time with them, the visits are usually stops on a long road trip for them. So this was great. We had a whole week at the beach in a condo that was literally on the beach...the kids loved it, especially Zachary. It is a very family friendly area, not comercialized at all and just a lot of fun for anyone that loves the beauty of the ocean. I am excited to start saving for next year. :) We then spent a few days back in Greensboro with my parents and saw my sister, nephew and brother in law...got to have some fun days with Jacob going to the museum, swimming and Funagins...all in all, a great time...
So here is the first installment of the photos and blog updates in reference to this trip...more to come....this covers the beach portion...we had a blast and honestly I can't say I have been this relaxed, happy or tan in years.
A photo of the 4 of us on our last night...I will cherish this week and these memories for a long, long time!
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