Monday, September 21, 2009

Sick days...

Poor Zachary...he has had a long couple of days...
Started a fever last Thursday and has been home since....he had a rough day on Wednesday which is typically a good sign for me that something is not right. He woke up Thursday with a fever, went away with Tylenol and then by that night was up high and he wasn't feeling his best. Then moved into a cough and a continued fever spike daily. Seemed good Saturday, but then had a 103.6 fever that night, so today we had him at the clinic to see what the heck was going on...turns out the poor guy has a double ear infection. Yuck. So he is now on antibiotics and hopefully on the mend. Missed 3 days of school and some testing days we had set up for him too with the school psychologist. Ironically he was sick in CA when they did the IQ testing there. His fever has been lower all day, so I am hopeful school will be an option tomorrow. I am thinking that he will have a low key week this week with no swim on Wednesday with his ears having been infected and just do soccer that night if he is up to it. I am not sure how I will swing him at swim and Erin since Brandon will be TDY to CA from Wednesday to Saturday. Lets keep our fingers crossed Erin stays healthy....knocking on wood!

1 comment:

AprilJ said...

Oh Zach, the poor sugar!!! It's hard on mom, too.. especially when TDYs are involved. Hang in there! Here's hoping everyone stays well and this thing is OVER!