Sunday, September 13, 2009


Finally we have gotten some rain around here...>The clouds rolled in Wednesday and started to dump rain on us Thursday through the weekend. It was great! The kids really enjoyed it and I have to say, I did too. The cooler temps were great too! I don't love the muddy backyard, aka Sally's muddy paws, but it is a small price to pay, no complaints!
We had a good weekend and got some things done here in the house, mainly some changes and fixes around the house and just fun with the kids. I am into Ebay mode out or you might get listed!! Ha ha!
I am excited to start working on my scrapbooks, I am super behind on them, a year on each child...not at all normal for me, but really I am just going to dive in and work on them soon and hope to get caught up by the holidays. Ordered photos and now just need to get to it.
New favorite show, Police women of Broward County. Seriously Love it! What bad asses?! Can I say that? Well I think they are pretty impressive ladies.
Going to Zach's school on Tuesday for a Volunteer orientation and breakfast thing...Excited to get to meet other moms, get involved in the school and have some time to do things out of the house too. I was considering doing the OSC (officer spouse club) here and still might...but right now I need something that doesn't have a ton of time and commitment...Erin is only at her KDO a few hours a week and thus far we have no I don't want to over commit and then be lame saying no all the time.
Excited for plans this week with other people...
Dinner at my new friend Kristine's house on Tuesday night...she is the one who I met through that crazy meet up group that was a flop, but she was super nice.
Dinner on Saturday with the Prichards, are friends from Abilene who were also our neighbors. Great family and we both really like them a lot...they have 4 kids, 10, 7, 4 and it will be fun! They have offered to watch our kids on Friday night so we can go to a dinning out on base, but I am not 100% sure I am ready for that with Erin being so scared with strangers...Brandon was supposed to set up a sitter, but it didn't happen and now I am not sure. So I am on the fence with that one...
All in all a fun week ahead...a few photos from tonight and the rainbow we got out back...
Erin in stitches...Sally was making her laugh!
Zachary being super silly...isn't that all 5 for you? He was dancing and singing...this child can't take a bad photo!
Zach and pals still. No photo with Erin...Sally won't pose with her...they aren't as close.
But I got her to give a smile for the camera with me...cheese!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures once again. Happy to hear the social life is picking up. K