Saturday, September 18, 2010

Slumber Party!

Tonight we thought it would be fun to let the kids have a slumber party...together! They loved sleeping in the same room at the beach and at my parent's house. We had thought about the guest room, but that is where the piano is and all my scrapbook I wasn't sure we could trust them (Erin) in there alone. The sofa bed isn't super comfortable, so we pulled out the aero bed and set it up in the living room...that way we are right next door in case their is any funny business. I hope they have a fun night together and this is the start of a fun tradition they can have. ;)
Here they are enjoying popcorn and a movie...Zach's pick...Finding Nemo...what else of course?
Here they are only ten minutes after the lights went off...sound asleep...they slept in until 7 AM.


The Five Fares said...

Love this! Charlotte just got her big girl bed and this week she got up in the middle of the night and went and got in bed with not us, but her sister! Doesn't it just warm your heart to see them enjoying each other so much??

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