Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A little break...

Some might have noticed I have taken a bit of a break on my blog. Not really intentional, but I suppose it was a little bit. I just had a lot on my mind that I didn't want to share and didn't feel like blogging about nothing...
Long story short, I had a lot of Dr. appointments to figure out my ongoing ear issue and it was a lot to worry about, think about, etc. On top of that Zach has had some behavior struggles at school that are emotionally draining to put it mildly. I try my best to stay positive...I try to always be fair and kind when talking about my children on here and to never make anyone think I feel more love or affection for one than the other. I know that often it is hard thru the medium of facebook, blogging, email to get the real view of what someone is thinking, so I never want to give the wrong impression. I worry if I complain on here, people will assume that I think Zachary is difficult. I never want anyone, especially him to think that.
Reality is, being his mom is hard work. It is a job I am honored to have, but it is difficult, challenging and keeps me constantly on my toes with new things popping up just as I have figured out the last problem. I want to be able to share and vent on here, but I want to be clear. Sharing and venting are simply a way to give you insight, not to complain about my son or demean him. I adore Zach and Erin, but on some days they both can drive me bananas. :)
So....Zach has had some struggles and we continue to work hard to make changes, adjustments, etc. I was so proud of him yesterday when the eye of the tropical storm Hermine went right over us, he stayed on green at school and was able to focus on school. So proud of him. He missed piano tonight because his teacher was sick. He is so far enjoying his piano classes a lot and I am so happy for him. He likes his teacher, his class and seems to be doing well overall back in school.
Erin started both of her schools this week. She went to Bracken yesterday...same school they both went to this summer. She is there from 9-2, so she naps and eats lunch there. I like the school and so far she seems happy, but she did cry when I left...It was hard to see and I hated for her to feel so sad and cling to me. But she pulled through and hopefully tomorrow drop off will be less painful for her and I. Today she went to Universal City...the school I love! She walked right in and had no issues. I think the school just does things right. They bring them in the room, meaning you don't walk your child in, the teacher meets you at the door and takes them in...for Erin, that is a huge help. They then bring them out one by one at the end of the day. So great. She was all smiles going in and coming out. I know two ladies who have girls in her class, and she apparently played with both today with no prompting from me, so that is fun to hear. I think she will thrive here. I do miss her a lot when she is gone, I can't lie. She is easy and fun and I am used to her company. But, I miss Zach too. I did get a lot done and hope as the days go on I get my system down and more and more things get done and become routine on those days for me.
I joined the PTA and have my first board meeting tomorrow and my first volunteering at the library starts next week...I am trying to get involved and keep busy. I am supposed to do my first scrapbook crop this Friday night...hopefully I will get to do that. I am contemplating joining the Y...right now it isn't in the budget, so I will be happy to see temps dropping and i can do my long, long walks again. I miss those and can't do them in this crazy heat!
We survived Hermine...lots of rain and wind. I will say, the wind at Edwards still packs a bigger punch than a tropical storm eye passing over my house, seriously!
That is all for now, I need to get to bed...

1 comment:

AprilJ said...

Great post. My SIL did a blog retraction because she felt like she had portrayed one of her boys in a light that made other people look at him/treat him in a way that she didn't appreciate (I'll send you a link if you want). I have tried to be more careful about how I talk about my kids lately. I've said it before, I'll say it again: you are such an intentional mom to Zachary and Erin. I admire that in you.. You are the best possible mom either of your kids could have ever had!! Rest in that for a while, why don't you??? And hang in there.. what I wouldn't give for a long, long walk with you :) Miss you, friend :)