Thursday, August 20, 2009

Play date fun!

Well this has been a week of fun play dates for us. We had one on Tuesday with a lady up the street and her two children. Her son is 4 1/2 and daughter 18 months, so about 6 months younger than each of my kids. She is a stay at home mom too and lives a few doors up...her husband is in the Army. Met at an indoor play place nearby and the kids did great...we had fun talking and I think she is super nice and normal. She called last night to see if we want to get together tomorrow. Yeah. Today we had a play date with my new friend Kristine. Her husband is retired Army (I am becoming a total crossover) and they just moved here last month. Her son is going into Kinder and is turning 6 next week and has another son who is 3...We had met up with them twice before and she and I have emailed a bunch in between. She is hilarious and someone I really click with, so that is great. She is very down to earth, fun and is just easy to be around. I can talk to her, say what I think and low and behold, we are usually on the same page. Awesome! She reminds me a lot in personality of a great friend of mine (April). She is a little older than me, she is who she is and owns and has a wickedly funny side that I love. So April I might not be able to move you near me, but I am seeking out friends in your image. :) It was so fun to go and chat for two hours while the kids played and had fun...much better than our last pool play date last week....
Oh on that note. Yes, I spoke to Kristine and watched Erin and our kids played. Yes, they played. Zach swam and played with the other boys the entire two hours non stop. Never did I have to redirect. Never did I have to try to remind him or reward him...he did it on his own. He also....drum roll please...swam! NO VEST! We got there and he asked if he could have the vest...I told him he should try without since the other boys didn't have one and they would stay in the 3ft or below area, no one could go in the 5ft, so no one needed a vest...he never asked again....he swam, went under, played, etc. It was AWESOME! He jumped in and out and played for 2 hours, no vest and no mommy help...OH MY! I was beyond thrilled and beyond proud and he knew it. I told him when we got home how happy I was. He told me, I did better on this play date, I played and I swam with no vest like a big boy. Yes you did Zach! He talked to me for a few minutes and then asked if he could go play his car upstairs and I told him he earned his 15 minutes of car (GPS-stim) time. I really can't tell you how amazing this day was for me and felt. Not only do I think I have finally met a great new friend that I really like...she loves to read, loves shopping, eating new and fun food, wants to see the movies I want to see, she loves to walk but isn't into exercising at gyms. Oh my! It is like another me in the world. :) Ha ha! I think we will get along great and even if the kids didn't do well together, I think we will be friends. A good day for me!
Tonight is meet the teacher. I am nervous, excited, etc. So much! I will post later with those updates too..

1 comment:

AprilJ said...

:) Miss you!!! I'm glad you're making Texas your home in all good ways.