Sunday, August 23, 2009


Oh that face! I love it and I love him....every single thing about him. Hard to believe tomorrow will be his first day in excited for him and this adventure he is about to go on, I am selfishly sad for myself. This little boy has been a blessing no words can describe. I wanted nothing more than to be a mom and was so blessed to have two amazing children. I have been more than humbled by the experience and forever changed. I am thankful and grateful every day for each of them. I am also very thankful for the chance to stay home with them. I have honestly enjoy it more than I can say. Yes, there are rough days, but the good always have outweighed the bad for me. California wasn't a great time for me, but for 4 years I had the best pal in the world with me through it all. He was the rainbow for me.
It is hard to believe that tomorrow I will walk him into school and a big part of our journey as mom and child is ending...a new chapter starts. One where he will be more independent. He will rely on me less and learn new things that I won't be a part of seeing. I can't lie, that is killing me. I have been with Zach for 5 years...I have enjoyed watching him grow, learn and develop. His personality is the best...his smile and laugh are infectious and I wish I could bottle them up and save. He is the best hugger in the world. I get more hugs and kisses from in one day than I think most moms get in a is so wonderful. He is smart and funny and kind. He is also so capable and I know he will do well...I am not sure I will do as well being without him. I am excited for all that he will be able to do and I know he is ready. I am also excited to have some time alone with Erin and be able to develop more of a bond with her one on one...we have so little of that time really. But, I will miss him. I think the reality that this is it...the last time in our lives that he will be all mine and not in school full time. For me it is a reality that he is a big boy and no matter how sweet, little and cuddly he is, he is growing up.
We have had an amazing last week though, and I am so thankful for the things we have seen this week in him. He was been trying so hard to master a few things and done great. He also has been so social and excited about playing with kids his age. He finally said good bye to the vest at the pool and is officially swimming. WHOO HOO! He has gone to the pool 3 days in a row with no vest, played with other kids and done great. We have seen lots of good behavior this week and are feeling much more optimistic for school. He even met a friend at the pool yesterday that will be in his class!!
I know he has his issues, but I am confident that he will do well and he will be okay...he is remarkable and I am so proud of him.
I am so lucky to have gotten to be his mom and I hope that he always knows how much I have treasured my time at home with him. It seems like 5 years went by in the blink of an eye and I am trying to be thankful for all of it and seem like it was too fast.
Good luck tomorrow Zachary will do wonderfully and I am so very proud of you!


AprilJ said...

And good luck to Momma :) Sending Kara to kindergarten was harder than I had imagined!! But hanging out with Clay was also more fun than I thought it would be.. may your first day of K be great for both of you.

Kelley said...

I hope he has a great first day of Kindergarden!! And I hope that YOU do just fine too! :)