Thursday, February 17, 2011

Y - M - C - A

So...this week there was a great groupon...$29 for a single person or $59 for a family - 2 month membership to the YMCA.  I was all over that. I have been wanting to join for a year, since it opened. It is a nice facility and lets face it, it is nice to have a place that is family friendly to work out and utilize.  But, the cost for a family membership was expensive...I wasn't sure if I would go enough to be worth it...the kids are in school, so i didn't think I needed the family one since I wouldn't be using childcare most days...and I didn't know anyone going to be my motivational buddy. So I didn't join...I kept thinking about it though...
But when I saw the groupon...i was all over it. I got the single person one and actually had a referral credit of $10, so it was only $19...for 2 months at the gym...YES!  I went today for the first time as a guest with a friend...4 of us went together actually, our kids are all at Erin's preschool together...we did ZUMBA.  It was a lot of fun.  Not what I expected, but I am intrigued and want to go back and try again. I also am interested in other classes...tomorrow we are trying body pump...lord help me.  I am excited and hoping I can stick with this with the help of my friends.  A group of us also signed up for a 5K in Austin in April...again, Lord Help me. But, if I can do it, then I can cross that off my bucket list and be good with the fact I did it. :)
So, tomorrow is another day at they YMCA for me...we will see what happens when my groupon months are up and if I keep going...for now, I am excited to be excited about going...

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