Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just for a smile...

The kids enjoyed wearing their winter clothes the last two weeks with the crazy weather...can you tell he is super excited even though it was 18 outside and windchill 8?  We know we are lucky compared to the rest of the country, we know...we just simply aren't used to it. 
Had to share his big smile...

All my snow photos were on my camera that died...seriously it was 3 days straight of electronic deaths phone, my point and shoot camera and my hair dryer.  I got a new phone because thankfully me contract was within the two month window. My phone had been a piece of %#&@!!!!  So I was very ready to get something that worked...all the extra fun of a new phone was just icing on the cake for me. :)  I am not a huge user of my cell phone usually, but have started to enjoy this one, especially considering when I need to use it, it works. Imagine that!  I got a new point and shoot camera too...we got lucky with a great deal at the BX...I can't live without my camera. Of the above 3 mentioned, it is my most important item.  We got a new camera for Christmas, a real nice camera, but I still love my point and shoot. I carry it in my purse most days, I use it daily for photos of the kids, ebay, you name it.  I was so sad that my other one just literally died.  But I am getting used to my new one and using it a lot, so that is good.  My new hairdryer was a on sale at Target the day we ran in there...super cheap and so nice...has 3 heat settings like I like and it is a lightweight model. I love it!  So all in all, maybe the "deaths" were all okay, just wish I had more time to have some spacing. :)  My wallet is hurting now. HA HA!
Speaking of that. I had big plans to make money at the Munchkin Mart again...a big consignment sale I participated in last fall here in Schertz.  I made a good amount on things and wanted to do the spring one. I have been sticking things in the garage for months in preparation.  My plan was to use that money toward the kids summer programs...well they aren't having a spring one. I am so upset. I have no idea what I will do with all this crap now, but I am hoping I can still sell it to make the money for their summer stuff.  Big bummer...
I have been gladly getting to do some ebaying and scrapbooking.  Zachary has been working on a new website his teacher got him hooked on, very educational and he loves it!  I have let him work on my computer while Erin either practices cutting, writing, playing on the main computer or the wii...we all have been hanging out upstairs in the guest room and playroom most days for hours. All my scrapbook stuff and ebay stuff is up there, so I am able to sit down, get stuff done and they are happy and entertained too...and no fighting when I am right there.  Loving it.  I am so far behind on scrapbooking that this has been a very nice chance to get some things done.
Brandon has been playing Bob Villa all day. Our doorbell was broken...not sad about that really since we get so many solicitors...but he is fixing it as I type...the wiring in it was all messed up and he was not happy to see that there had been a small fire in the box...this house is awesome, but some of the things we are finding are making us happier it is a rental.  The other issue today...our heater/AC ongoing saga. I have said all winter our house is freezing downstairs...I know heat rises, but my sofa is like sitting in an ice box. I had the heater up to 75 last week, wearing fleece and was still cold.  So Brandon had the heater person out and he said it was all fine. I wasn't convinced. So after I bitched some more Brandon investigated.  A vent that as supposed to open and close to bring in fresh air was broken and stuck open...leaving a huge hole to the outside and letting COLD air in the house...I knew it.  So he has been working to fix that all day and get our house warmer.  Have I mentioned how much I love that he can fix everything.  He is like having my own MacGyver around.  I love him!
Tomorrow we are heading back to the Lutheran Church we tried last weekend...we liked it and are trying the 8:30 service, the traditional one tomorrow...then we can decide which one fits us better.  I think Lutheran is the closest we can get to catholic right Brandon and I the comfort of what we know and feels right to us, while giving the children the experience of church they need and want, to be included.  They need that chance to learn about God and to be part of church.  I am excited and hope this works for us and we can be done church shopping and settle in there...We spent all last year at a church we never felt a part of, so we are hoping this one is different for all of us.  So far, it already is.
So, I better finish up on here and get to bed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Came across your blog by accident. I saw that you were disappointed about not participating in the Munchkin Mart Sale. Me too! But someone I know is hosting another very similar sale. It will be in Schertz on March 24th and 25th. Here is the website: Good luck!