Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Well it was time for the children's semi annual dental visit...I am not going to lie, I was a bit worried.  Last year Zach had no cavities found after numerous cavities in CA...I am pretty sure he maxed out around 10 when we lived there.  It wasn't good.
So going in today, I was nervous.  Erin had yet to take x-rays, but had sat in the chair for a cleaning. So I wasn't sure what we would get today.  Zach has also yet to lose a tooth and will be 7 in May...so....
They did great. He had a clean and cavity free mouth...Thank you God!  His x-rays showed his HUGE (seriously one tooth is the size of two of his current teeth, not joking at all!!!!) big teeth waiting to come in..his roots are gone and officially from the dentists mouth, there was wiggling. Oh good Lord.  I don't even want to go there...on so many levels.  The grossness of the tooth pulling and gappy hole part aside, my baby losing his teeth is just anther milestone people that I am frankly not ready for and not at all looking forward to.  Can I go back to potty training?  Really he is too little to be this big...
Erin did great also...she got her x-rays done (sitting safely in my lap of course).  She got her teeth sparkling, princess clean as well and was super happy to show them off.  All in all, a fabulous visit for us...yeah!!!!
Here are some photos of the the dental visit fun. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So proud of Zachary and Erin and thrilled with their reports. Wish their Nowie did as well as they did.....:) I need a crown. UG.. Keep up the good dental hygiene.