Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Not sure if the cold weather has frozen my desire to write on here, but I haven't had the time or made the time as of for those few of you that read this regularly...sorry I haven't been better about updating.  I have fallen off the workout wagon a bit...the cold weather has made it impossible for me to do anything....too cold for outside or garage right now and even yoga hasn't happened since the kids have been home and inside so much.  Blah...So I feel blah and need to get back in my routine...I was doing so well too!!!!  I need to stock up on a few items for next winter to be able to go out in the colder thing is an ear scarf (?).  I don't have anything to cover just my ears and I think I would be willing to go out more if I did.
I have been reading, but nothing amazing and worth sharing.
Clearing out last years spring clothes and prepping for Ebay and getting new spring things. I swear it tears me up to see how much they have grown and to get rid of some of the items really is hard for me...too hard.   I love that they are growing up in some ways, but mostly it is hard to watch them get bigger and farther from my little babies.  So it has been a weepy clean out for sure.
Zach finished his GT (gifted and talented) testing this week at school...we will get his official scores on that in April.  Not sure what they will see, but he seemed to really like taking the tests. :)  He is doing well and working hard on a lot of his goals.  One goal, the tying of tennis shoes is still not going as well as I had hoped, but we can hope it will get better soon...He did all of his Valentine's day cards that was nice.  He is signed up for tball too, should start next month.  He starts his new piano teacher tomorrow night and is excited...I hope this is a good fit.
Erin is still doing well with gymnastics...she is a determined little one I tell you. I am so surprised at what she is willing to try and what she can do in there.  She is loving school still and working hard on learning to write her name and really has taken an interest in me reading to her a lot...also asking a lot about what time it is...she has the hour part down, not the minutes, but hey that is pretty good.  I will be signing her up for preschool for next year soon...going to check out the teachers at UCUM next week and see what I think and then hopefully know who would be a good fit for her.  I am still considering Wiederstein (where Zach goes) for their prechool program, but a bit torn about that choice...I see pros and cons to both...UCUM is expensive and Weiderstein is free.  About the same hours, but I can pay for more at UCUM if I choose.  Smaller class at UCUM by about half.  I just don't know...
Brandon has been working like crazy with the summer match going on...assignments for summer moves are done now and there are a lot of people in the military that move in the a lot of work right now...he has been home late for about 3 weeks is 8 pm and he is not even close to being home...
The temps today never got over 30 here, wind chill in the teens with gusts around 25-40 mph today. It was COLD.  I am ready for a few warmer days to get some things done. :)
That is about it for now...just wanted to and more will come soon...


Anonymous said...

Happy to see that you are back to writing your blog. I've missed you.....:)

Unknown said...

Ah, is Brandon for hire?! We found a new church too that meets are family needs more than the Catholic church could give us. It's hard to leave but once you find something you love it makes it more enjoyable. Hope the weather has turned around for ya!