Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oink Oink!

So the swine flu paid us a visit...BLAH!
We aren't quite sure how this all happened. Zach was sick for a few weeks off and on and was diagnosed with several ear infections...but in the end we are now wondering if he had this mystery flu. Well I know for sure I did. I started to feel bad last Friday...nothing awful just the start of a cold...thought it wasn't too bad...Sunday I felt pretty darn awful and Monday I woke up feeling like ASS. No other word people...I felt like I had been run over by a bus...headache worse than the worst hangover in college (not that I ever drank in college mom and dad :) ) Bad sore throat...lots of stuff being coughed up as well...sorry to share...neck ache, earache...fever, the works. Brandon told me I looked like crap and I headed to the BAMC ER for my 4.5 hour wait to be told, yes you have H1N1. No tamaflu for me...I had it apparently longer than 48 hours in my if you think you are sick and get a fever, go early to get drugs! HA HA. I got tamaflu for Erin though in case she gets sick...she isn't taking medicine well, so this has been fun. I threw up all Monday night, which was a great bonus. I was laid up in bed the rest of Monday and most of Tuesday feeling just plain awful. Poor Brandon got sick Tuesday...he had been feeling ill all weekend too, but the bad day hit him Tuesday....boy were we a pair of pathetic people. I can't even tell you how sad it was to see us that day. I still can't clear my left ear...In the end I survived and am no worse for the wear. It just wasn't fun...
My heater didn't work when we tested it out last that was a repair we had worked on Monday and Tuesday...$275 later that we will deduct from our landlords rent check...oh he left for Turkey with no forward info for us...lovely. My washing machine in making noises in the fill part of the cycle and flashing F1...apparently it is a recall....fabulous. For those of you that know my washer history...not good...I had a lemon before and now this one seems to be acting up as well. Thankfully we got the extended warranty because of the above mentioned that man is coming tomorrow to work on that...thankfully. I hate being without my washer.
All in all this week has been a blur....I know it is sad, but it has come and gone and I am just glad to be up and about today a bit...I had an appointment on base with a doctor....all went well with some medical issues and concerns I was having and I liked this doctor. Next week I am off to the neurologist to look at my crazy right leg that has been partially numb for 11 years...if you don't know, long we shall see what comes of that. I am glad to be part of the living right now and looking forward to my ear popping so I can hear again. :)
Wash your hands!!!! No pig flu for you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry you were ALL sick! I had swine flu in August and even though the actual flu part lasted about a week, I suffered from the remaining symptoms the whole month! But good news is that now you don't need the vaccine. haha.