Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lately around here...

Just wanted to throw on some recent photos of life here and some updates from us...
We have had lots of sick and yuck around here. Zachary was sick a few weeks ago with a double ear infection, cold and fever...then Wednesday night he was up crying several times saying his ear hurt again...took him to the Doctor and they said it was swimmers ear in his left ear...he does swimming each Wednesday so we thought that sounded right, but still he seemed too sick for that...and sure enough he had a fever by the time I was at school to pick him for speech on Thursday....I usually get him at 2:30 and he was already up front with a 101.9 fever. So Friday we took him to school only to be told he couldn't stay...not fun since he wanted to go do the big jump rope for heart thing they had been working on...he then went to BAMC (brooks army medical center) yesterday because he still had a fever and was still saying his ear hurt, but it was the other ear...turns out he has an middle ear infection in the ear they said was swimmers ear. UGH! I am a bit under the weather myself and so is Brandon, but we are trying to keep Erin healthy and not let it show. I woke up with a sore throat and head ache and Brandon has felt yucky. I also have something going on with my knee that literally makes it sound like snapping celery...awesome I know....It happens to be in the same leg though that I have had issues with for about 11 years right foot has been partially numb for that time and after numerous tests no answers so I chose to ignore it...well now I can't ignore that it feels more numb than normal and me knee is making strange noises and is a bit I am hoping to get the Dr. to give me a referral...I have a neuro one for the 20th, but I think it will require orthopedic too...who knows. It could be worse, so I am not stressing about it too much at this time....
I met with Zach's school psychologist on some great info on the testing they are doing on him....they are almost done and have been quite complete in their testing...which is awesome. Right now it is a matter of getting the right diagnosis for him to then get the therapies in line with it. I am curious to see what they end up with. He didn't test as having autism by their testing of him, but when myself, Brandon and his teacher all separately filled out forms about him, they came back that he does have they will continue to look into what is the best diagnosis. Asperger's is being tossed around a lot right we will see. They did redo his IQ. Two years ago it was tested and came back at 70...which is borderline MR (mentally retarded). We were thrilled that they retested him and it is now 112. Yeah! He did very well on the reading part, no shock...and they are doing further testing in that area as well. So...I am feeling much more hopeful than I have in a long time that he is being evaluated by people that care and they will find the best diagnosis that fits him.
All in all we are doing well...just hoping to feel healthy for a while and enjoy the fall! I am desperate to hit a pumpkin patch...maybe next week we will be healthy enough. :)

Went back to my new hairdresser...still very pleased. He is bound and determined to go short and blonde. I laugh at him!

Miss Erin in her new Cheerleader outfit from Aunt Amy...she loves it and the pom poms of course.
Happy smiles...
Sick Zachary having a meal in bed...he really loved the room service!