Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Old friends...

Last night was a nice treat for us...we had an old friend come over for dinner.  Sadly his wife and kids were out of town, so we will have to wait a week or so to get the whole gang together if we are lucky, but we are excited.  
We lived next door to this family in Abilene for the last year there and knew them before that...Craig actually was Brandon's boss and has become a great friend.  He is really one of the nicest men I have met to date...and I am not tooting his horn to get points with him since he doesn't know I have a blog or read it.  He is just a nice person...he is one of the best dads I have ever met...When we came out here in April we actually called him and his wife Nicole (who is super nice, normal and down to earth)...we just wanted to say hi and were in fact looking at a house around the corner from them.  They were so sweet and offered to watch Zach so we could get more house hunting in...we said sure!  Zach was lucky enough to get to play with their two youngest children who are 4 and 3...the older ones were at school....Zach hasn't stopped talking about Shay and Trey since that day and is so ready to see them.  I have never just left Zach anywhere to play other than at Brenda's...she used to watch him when he was little...so this was huge for me and says a lot about how I feel about this family.  Anyhow...he came over last night while his family is out of town...had dinner and it was so nice. Zach right away asked if Shay and Trey can play with him when they get home from Iowa...no prompting...it was awesome.  Erin wouldn't let poor Craig talk to her much less get close to her...it was a bit upsetting to me to see that her stranger issues are this bad.  We must get a handle on this soon.  She is just devastated with new people around and refuses to be away from me or Zach.  She is the sweetest child and so sad she doesn't let people see that.  Anyhow...we were thrilled to have a friend over and hopeful to see them much more.  
I spoke to Humana (insurance company) yesterday about Zach's therapies...we should be able to start them as soon as we get the provider list and pick a provider...yes I said we get to pick...I have no idea how to start that process since I have never had a choice before.  I hope it happens soon though and we get this rolling.  He should be getting speech and ABA therapy, so we will see.  I also spoke the school contact I have and sadly she won't be at his school anymore...moved into a new position at another elementary school in the district.  She gave me great advice, answered questions and told me to call anytime, so at least I have that.  She also lives in a sub division up the street from us and we might try to get together at some point...so that will be fun if it happens.  His registration is next week, the 30th...I am ready to get it done and have that settled. 
We are going to check out Corpus Christi the 1st of August...going down on Saturday and coming home Sunday...staying at the navy lodge there...so we will see what it is all about.  I am not holding out big expectations, but happy to let Zach go to the beach...he loves it!  
So that is that from here...one week and still paci free for Zachary...wow we are just thrilled!  
That is about it from here...

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