Sunday, October 12, 2008

Slow Sunday

Had a slow and boring Sunday here...headed out to the commissary late today and then played out back for a bit...still chilly here, but no wind today, thankfully. I don't have a good coat for Erin yet, so I am not as willing to let them out.  I wasn't sure what size she was and hadn't found anything yet....I had bought things last year in preparation for Zach when things were on he had things.  I did go online and got a few things from Old Navy since they had some sale hopefully they get here soon for Erin.  
 My mom and dad are heading home tomorrow...the trip up there has been hard for them and I am glad I didn't go.  Apparently things with my grandmother are not as everyone had imagined.  She is in a hospital like room, hospital bed, has a "bracelet" on her wrist to monitor her at all times...she has a roommate and is in a locked ward of the facility. Most people there sound like they are in bad health or mental states and it is heartbreaking for my mom to see her mom there.  I think my mom feels so helpless. She and her brother don't speak often and don't have a very good relationship...he lives in SF and tends to take over without my mother's opinions being considered or is a complex situation to say the least.  I am selfishly glad to not have gone. I had a wonderful relationship with my grandmother and we have always been close...when I was in college she lived in Scottsdale near my parents....I saw her a ton and we spent a lot of time together during those 4 years. I cherish those moments now.  
My sister and I had a nice long talk today and that was a nice treat. She went back to work right after Brandon left, so we have had little time to talk in the past month with her being super busy and me having two crazy little ones to myself...add in the time change and it makes it hard to keep up with her.  It is nice to have a chance to catch up with her.  We aren't always on the same page on things and are quite different.  We went on a cruise two years ago and no one thought we were was quite funny.  We don't look alike, but also have very different lives, interests, etc.  We have a lot in common under the surface, but some times we don't see eye to eye and we have been known to have a fight or two. :)  But, she is my big sister and I love her a lot...I know that she loves me and my family and would be there for me, as I would for her.  I think that is what matters most...loving someone despite your differences.  
Tonight is slumber party night...Zach is ready now and it isn't even 7...Erin isn't ready at all...this should be interesting...
More later....

1 comment:

Kelley said...

I'm sorry to hear that about your grandma...doesn't sound like a good situation at all, and I know it must've been hard for your mom. Watching our loved ones age is not so easy...

Hope you were able to pull off the slumber party!!