Monday, October 6, 2008

Big first day...

Well the kid were so excited and exhausted after the first 24 hours with my mom and dad.  The drive to the airport is about 1 hour and 45 minutes to 2 hours...Zach is an awesome car traveler, always has been.  No dvds, just chills and rides.  Erin did well the way down, but had some complaints the way back.  In fairness we got there and it was raining and cold...high 50's is cold in S. CA.  I didn't want to get them out and park if I could just grab my mom and dad at the curb...we got there right when the plan landed because of fog through the mountains on the way down...So we circled 3 times until they were about curbside stuff is so tight.  Zach about flew out of his seat as they got in and he was able to see and touch them.  It was so cute. Erin remembered them better than they had thought and was all smiles too...we got home and Zach wanted to play with my dad right away.  A child who used to not care about playing with people now is all about it...most of the time.  They went to bed finally and were so tired, but happy and parents were exhausted.  Well up early for Miss Erin and all day she was tired, but fun and happy. I have never seen the kids, especially Zach so animated...wanting to play and engage...asking to play games, brought out his dress up clothes, board games, you name it. It was so cute...he was exhausted by the evening and was in bed before 7.  Erin then put on her show and had fun being alone with my parents...such a character.  I had fun watching the interactions all day with my parents and the kids.  It is just great for me to see my mom and dad here in Zach and Ern's environment and get to know them as they are at home.  We usually visit them or they come for short trips and stay in billeting, not with this was in fact and will be a huge treat to us...maybe not my poor parents who now realize my family is more like staying with a circus than anything else.  We had fun though and to me the fact I heard that much laughter in one day was great. I had gotten into a rut as we all do with the kids, myself, etc and having them here is really helping me on several levels.  I don't need the "help" with the kids as much as I enjoy the company and chance to share experiences with them.  I hope the trip for them is as rewarding...
It is 6 AM and thanks to my insane dog...thanks April!!!!  I am up early and starting the day, early...
Oh I never got to mention the umbrella issue...about an hour before heading the airport my table umbrella snapped right off...wonderful.  Damn wind here. It was so hard to try to wrap it up and get it put away so it wasn't loose and able to go through a window...wind here is so bad!  So I called for help and finally got it put away, but it is all more umbrella for us...
Gotta run...


AprilJ said...

Happy to hear that the fam made it safe and sound... so the wind is obviously worse at Edwards than it is in Enid? And I thought that was bad ;)

Kelley said...

Sounds like the visit is a huge success so far. Enjoy every minute!!!