Friday, October 10, 2008

Weekend Alone...

My mom and dad have been here a week now and it has been awesome. The kids are so happy...I have had real meals and conversations. THe house feels alive and like a home...we have had laughs and discussions. It has been great. Tomorrow they head to see my grandmother. She is 94...she has lived in an assisted living center in San Rafael for about 8 years. She was recently moved to the care unit after wandering away. Before that event we had planned for the kids and I to go up with my parents and see her. She had her own room which was nice for visits since we could go in and sit and hang out a bit even though it was small, it was her space. Now she is in a room with someone else and we have no idea what to expect. So, I decided that it would best for us to not go on the trip. The drive up there can take up to 7 hours with traffic and stops and I wasn't in the mood for that with two small kids...Zach is the best traveler ever created...Erin isn't a bad traveler, but Zach has spoiled me. She gets fussier much quicker on the long road trips...So after planning to go, we decided Monday that we would stay behind and let them go alone. I think my mom will need the time with her mom and that undivided attention that can't occur with little ones around. I am not sure we could find activities fun for a 4 year old, 16 month old and 94 year this will be best for all. They leave tomorrow and will return Monday night if all goes well. I know the kids will be devastated...they adore my parents. Zachary knows they are leaving and that will help that he can discuss, talk and understand that concept. Erin will again search for them as she did with her dad and then hate me that they left...She has just been so thrilled to have a captive audience to her cuteness these past few days. Zach is loving that he has more time to play one on one with someone. We got to go bowling today and that was a thrill for him and for me...I love my time with my buddy. So...this will be a long weekend for us since Monday is also a holiday and he has no school...bummer. The weather turned wickedly cold today and I had to turn the heat on this AM...very windy...20-30 mile and hour winds with gusts up to 40 at times tomorrow and the high in the low 60' tommorrow we won't head out if we can avoid it...I hate the wind and cold here for the little ones. Zach and I have planned our slumber party for Sunday night and both are excited. I am thrilled to get two nights back in my bed since I have been on the sofa bed all week...those things aren't super comfy. :) We have had a fantastic week though and will make it through the weekend in anticipation for their return...

1 comment:

Kelley said...

It really sounds like your visit with your parents has been wonderful. I hope everything goes well with their visit with your grandma.