Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A little less from me these days...

So I have been on here a little less the past few days...nice to have the company of my parents both for me and the kids. We took Zach to school today, shopped a bit at Target and then I had a doctor appointment...will go back in two weeks for more tests...nothing is wrong per say...just some issues that needed to be looked into... Then lunch and off to get Zach...came home and we all played, hung out and had a good afternoon...dinner at the club tonight...then it was another early night for the little ones. Erin is working on 2 new teeth and just being as cute as she can be. I swear that little girl is just a blessing beyond words...so sweet, fun and adorable. Zachary and I played soccer out back for a bit and he actually did pretty well with it.
Still being woken up by the construction trucks...not adding to my overall well being. I am so fed up with it...I have no words...
On that note...I have to say at times I know I say too much. I know I can be a super bitch. It is just me...I am that person that says it like it is and sometimes, often, it gets me in a load of trouble. But, in fairness...I feel like others are often so insensitive and I can't take it and snap.
Examples...I get an email tonight from someone I have known here for about 3 years. She isn't someone I am friends with or even so much get along with...I don't know what I did to her, but she hasn't ever really been super nice to me. She knows my husband is out of town, our kids used to go to Brenda's together and we saw each other several times at the end of the summer and the kids played...but we don't get invited to her son's birthday party two weeks ago...4 friends asked why weren't there and were shocked when I said we weren't invited...they don't know her as well as me and did get an invite...oh well. Then tonight I get a forwarded email about Autism services at UCLA...and the header says, just in case this might affect you. SO strange to me...you can't invite us to your party and the bowling alley, but you can forward me info about autism...I am not sure why that makes me so enraged, but it does. Then a friend of mine sent me an email regarding a mutual friend of ours...she is in the hospital...her amniotic fluid level dropped low...the baby was breach, but is now down and okay...however with the fluid level low there is still risk and they might have to "take the baby" (her words not mine). She was due in three weeks, so not super early and certainly safe...but the email went on to say pleas pray she stays that way, she is very concerned about having a c-section due to the recovery time, etc. She sent this email to two friends, myself and another lady here...I have had two kids, two c-sections. I guess maybe it is wrong of me, but I take offense to that on a huge level. Since I had Zach and even with Erin, people act like I didn't give birth the "right" way since I had a c-section. I some how didn't try hard enough, what was wrong, was the baby in danger, etc. Like some huge excuse must be needed or else I wasn't doing something right. And God forbid they or anyone else have one...that is just not acceptable. Well let me say this...I would have gladly gone back in time and had them give me a c-section with Zach and not gone through any labor. Not because it ended in a c-section and I some how was disappointed. Not that I feel less of a woman...not any of that. I got a beautiful baby...twice!!! In fact having Erin, was easier in so many ways. I drove to the hospital that AM...got taken to a room and given an IV and the royal treatment...a nice cocktail and spinal epidural...nothing waist down was felt for a long time...I had a great OB deliver my baby girl and I was sewn up and no worse for the wear. My recover, not bad at all. I stayed in the hospital for 4 days...I went home and was up walking the neighborhood that first night. My parents went home a few days later and Brandon went back to work...I was good. It wasn't a blast, no surgery is, but it isn't the end of the world. I am not advocating them for crying out loud, but in the end, I have two amazing kids and a minimal scar...I am good with that.
So...maybe I am a huge bitch...maybe I am too sensitive...but I also think others are frankly not sensitive enough. They don't think before they say or do and then after it is oh, Susan takes things wrong...well maybe, but maybe people aren't always worried about how they say it and how it will be taken before...they should. I might be honest and sometimes say what I shouldn't...but I try to be sensitive and aware...I always try to apologize and recognize my mistakes and wish people would help me point them out more often. Life is short...I am not interested in always having to ignore and overlook...
Big sigh...okay that was my rant...I know you have all missed one of those from me.
Off to bed...will take and post my family tomorrow...


Kelley said...

Well, I in no way consider you a "bitch"...you speak your mind, and that is one the things I love most about you!

AprilJ said...

Here's the good news: this is your blog and you get to say whatever the heck you want, however you want to say it! I agree about sensitivity and the lack thereof. For me, I have had to come to the conclusion, with certain people, that they don't think before the speak. Not with everyone, but certain folks in my life say stupid things on a regular basis. I CHOOSE to assume that they aren't being mean to me outright, just that they're thoughtless. Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't. I echo Kelley and say that we need people who speak their minds in our lives.. that characteristic about you makes you a fabulous listener and, oh yeah, honest. So, thanks :)

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YEP, that’s right, there’s this little known website which shows you how to get to the top 10 of Google and other search engines guaranteed.

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I’m not trying to be rude here, but I believe when you find something that finally works you should share it…

…so that’s what I’m doing today, sharing it with you:


Take care - your friend George