Saturday, October 11, 2008


Just wanted to throw on a few cute photos of the kids from the past few days. We have all had such a great time with my mom and dad is has been a big breath of fresh air we needed! We are doing well and happy! My parents left this AM for the Bay Area to see my grandmother (mom's mom). They should return Monday night if all goes well for them and with her. I am hoping it is a good trip for my mom and she has some time to enjoy her mom. I know these trips are sometimes not easy for see your parents age and become more limited can't be easy....something I do not look forward to in my own life.
The kids and I have been home bound all day, not even in the backyard...the wind is bad and it is in the low 50's...too cold to be out and playing in this...we did hit the BX for a bit and got some dinner at Charley's....yummy. Early to bed I think for all of us here....More fun photos to come, but here are a few...
We pulled out costumes and dress up clothes....Erin had fun with the fire little girl is so full of smiles. Love it!
Zach being Zach...took his Halloween basket and put it on his head as a hat...silly goose!
My dad with his biggest fans....
Erin was so happy to have new playmates...she loves my dad and is always looking for him or following him cute.

1 comment:

AprilJ said...

Hope your weekend has been a good one as it is winding down by this point. I think if the weather was in the low 50s up here, people would be going swimming!! Maybe even me included :) It's only the beginning of our cold weather..... brrr.