Thursday, October 30, 2008

Almost Halloween...

Hard to believe it is almost Halloween...I think that the weather being so warm here has really thrown me off this year. We usually have warm days, but not weeks like this has been. I don't mind the heat, but I do like to enjoy some fall weather, it is my favorite season in normal places with things like trees...I have none, so pity me. Today was the first day in weeks it went below 80 as the high and we had clouds all was delightful. I was thrilled to wear the same outfit all day and not have to shed into shorts...seriously it sounds great, but it is the end of October! I took some cute photos of the kids today that I wanted to share. I also have some cute ones of them to post in another message...that one in a bit.
I had a nice day in town while Zach was in school...he had a harvest party and made muffins for it. They were so yummy...pumpkin bread muffins...he had fun mixing and helping me stir...he did a really good job this time and was a big helper. I spent the morning enjoying time alone for once...I usually run around and do errands. Today I did go to my Doctor's to pick up and RX I needed...then off to Hallmark to look Hallmark! Then went to the nail salon for a spa pedicure...I had been to this one before and knew I liked it and their prices. It isn't in a part of town I usually stay in, so I was already there and figured it was a good day to do it. I indulged and got a callus removal and sea salt scrub treatment...LOVED IT!!! So worth it. Then I high tailed it to Super Walmart to pick up some food items so I wouldn't have to hit the commissary with two little ones...some extra Halloween candy since I know that I will get more kids than I am prepared for, even with the extra crap. And I got some final Christmas items Brandon and I discussed for the kids. Now I need to mail my huge box back to NC for the holidays. A few items will remain here for the kids when we get home...mainly ones that require being hooked up to the tv or computer, etc. So, I am excited about what I got and hope they will be too. All in all a good day...I had hit Micheal's and TJ Maxx's on Tuesday and got some things I actually needed and wanted, so that was good too...always nice to not come home feeling the guilt of buying things I don't need and must return. :)
So here are some photos more to come later, but wanted to post some now...
Zach making his muffins...

Oh how I love this face....she actually says cheese when you take funny...Zach bugged her so much to do it and now she does...
My wild child...she prefers to play on the coffee table, literally...oh Erin...
Mr. Zach in his Halloween shirt for his party...Costume party at his other school tomorrow...
Mommy and her little man....
All smiles on his way too school...he loves cruising around in the Civic when it is just the two of us...Don't worry, we were at a stop sign. :)

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