Friday, October 3, 2008

On their way...

Well tomorrow my parents are heading out for a nice long visit with us...Bless them for coming to Edwards and my crazy home for a visit. I am so glad they are willing to make the long trip to see us and spend some time with us. My sanity level is teetering...
The behaviorist came today and did more questions, not much interaction...said I would hear from her in six weeks...Okay...I will very lose my mind by then...thankfully we have no massive issues that we need immediate help with, but man they can drag out services...
Zach is okay this week...just overtired every naps, so he is done by the evening and we have issues that arise from that specifically...if I let him nap then our nights are long and tough, but I know that it is actually a very normal parent issues, so that is reassuring.
Trying to get his speech therapy with Miss Gerri referral redone...oh the people at this medical clinic kill me with their incompetence and passing the is just ridiculous...and sadly enough when I say one thing to them they talk to me like I am five and husband calls from his deployed location and says the same thing...oh yes sir, we will do that sir. Bite me!
Went to Rosamond tonight for a play date with my friend Michelle and her two kids...they are very close in age to mine...Jack and Zach are a year apart, Zach being one year older...Erin and Sam had the same due date, but Erin was ten days early with the they are a perfect match and good buddies. My Erin hold her own with the boys, God bless her. It was nice to get out, but the weather is getting cold and overcast and windy tonight with a storm brewing in we left early and headed home to get ready for the company...
Had plans yesterday to go to the park, but didn't...ran into the same friend at the commissary about 2 hours later and the kids all hugged in the was sweet and worked out in the end since we saw them anyway...
I feel pretty ready for my parents to get here...The house is cleaned up and stocked with some items and we will be able to get more Sunday if they need anything...the kids are ready and I am ready...I hope they have fun and it is a good time for all....
As for my hair...I appreciate all the compliments...I like it too, but it isn't what I had asked for or had been working toward, so I was a bit irritated that I will have to grow it out some to get it re-cut and shoot for that style again. She actually does my friend Michelle's hair too and told her today that Susan just doesn't like her hair short in the back...I told her to stack the back and leave the front front is layered and the back long...hmmmmm....oh well...I brought a photo and told her...not sure how much more specific I could have gotten on that one. :)
Off to get tubbie time going and bed...should be slumber party night, but Zach is about at his limit and super tired...we will see if he makes it...
Pictures to come with the grandparents soon!!!!
*** Notice I didn't go into the debate comments...I figure my political rants get me the least amount of comments from my readers and part of that is most of my blog readers are more conservative than again, sorry if offended, just saying it as I see it and think...


Karla said...

So glad you're parents are arriving soon. I'm sure the kids will have a blast and you'll be able to catch up on a little rest and relaxation.

AprilJ said...

You know something funny about hair? Some of my best hair cuts came from Dan in Enid. How sad is that.. and Clayton and I say the best steaks we've ever had came from La Luna Blu in Enid.. who'd have thunk it?!?! Oh.. and the Millers were in Enid. Am I pining for Enid? Enjoy your parents :)

Kelley said...

So glad you're parents are coming to visit! That will be a nice reprieve for all of you. Enjoy every bit of it. And I especially enjoyed the "bite me!" comment, too funny!!