Monday, June 23, 2008

We had a great trip to the beach on Saturday. Zach has been asking to go since he offically heard at school it was summer. Every day, I want to go to the beach, road 101. He has the memory of an elephant I swear. He knows all the exits to everywhere we go and remembers them forever. All you have to do is say, what exit is preschoo and he quickly replies, "37 mommy." Yes, he calls me mommy now for all you that knew us the Rarry phase.

It was a great day and an easy trip, 1 1/2 hours from here to Malibu. I didn't see any celebrities though. :) The kids both had fun walking the beach and getting wet...however the water is cold and that is never the most fun to play in. I am spoiled for life after spending each summer on the North Carolina coast with powder white sand and warm water...this was great, but I would take those beaches any day! We stayed and played and enjoyed our family time. I am quickly realizing how little time we have left before September is upon us...It looms over family time and puts things into perspective. The kids are both going to miss Brandon like crazy...he is a good dad and really has been very involved in thier lives, especially this last year. It will be hard on all of us to have him gone, but I know we will be okay and make it through stronger.

No big plans for the week...just survive the heat and hope the AC holds has been cutting out a lot lately and no matter who we get to look at it, no one has really fixed it. Always something...well Zach is off on his white van to speech school, so I am off to enjoy some Erin time and get the house cleaned up...More photos to come later this week...

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Fun at the beach!! And so glad to hear that Zach is calling you mommy now!

It will be difficult when Brandon leaves...but I know how strong you are!!!