Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hair cut day! cut! I love my hair dresser here and will honestly be so sad to move away from her. Out of all the places we have lived and all the hairdressers I have used, she is by far my favorite, not only because of how she cuts my hair, but I just really like her. I went to town Thursday and got a magazine and started looking at some hair styles on my favorite soap General hospital and I also found a picture of the actress Ellen Barkin whose hair I love. I just wanted to change it up, go shorter and fresher and more fun. It is hot and all I do is pull it back right now and I hate that. Plus I am not a big person for spending time on my hair, so the easier the better for me. I have finally dropped all my baby weight and have a few pounds left I would like to see go and just tone up, but over all feeling ready for a new look and better about me than I have in a I chopped it...It was hair cut day around here...the boys both got theirs done at the BX too...NO cut for Erin...we are just trying to get it to grow! So that is my big excitement for the day...It is nice to have all that weight off...I have some thick hair! Here is a photo below of my after look...


Kelley said...

I love it!! Very cute, and great for the summer! You are looking adorable, congrats on losing all the baby weight!

Karla said...

I love it!!! It really suits you.