So nice when I can find things for them to enjoy and play together. Our weather has been stormy and hot, so doing things inside is a necessity more this summer than others before. I can't rely on throwing them out back to play or the pool, so we have been doing Play Doh and Moon Sand along with arts and Crafts more...Lucky for me most days they enjoy it and can play for a good stretch...this was one of them below...
Erin working on the ice cream shop...I am sure she was dreaming of ways to make it real ICEEE Cream.
Even when the weather is rotten and you can't get out, you make the children's days full of fun projects - not to mention love. Beach days are approaching....:)
As of late I have been a horrible friend. I do not comment, I rarely get on facebook...but I just wanted to let you know that in all of the chaos that is my life I still read your blog and love your updates. On that note, when did little Miss Erin get so big? She looks like a true bonified kid now, no more toddler cheeks. I sit here and feel your pride and pain as I am sure that you noticed the loss of toddler cheeks already. I miss you my friend. I promise that I will be back in touch soon...Maybe in October when I am not busy watering flowers and living life to it's fullest before the snow falls and I am stuck behind my computer again....Love you!
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