Sunday, June 28, 2009

Here we go from TEXAS! here is my first blog from Texas...
I haven't had a chance to upload any photos yet, so that will have to happen later and I promise to get to it soon.  Life has been busy and crazy since we rolled into town last Monday...
We left Edwards on Friday around 12:30...way later than we had hoped, but had some last minute stuff we had to get done...still not really able to grasp I don't live there, this is my new home, my new neighborhood, my new life...sort of feel on vacation but in chaos.  :) 
We left and got to Arizona late...saw my parents briefly...we would have normally just gone to the hotel, but with Zach you can't always change plans and be as flexible, so we had a short visit, hit the hotel and my kids were in bed super late again...about 2 weeks of 10 PM bedtimes...not good.  We had a great Saturday at the hotel (the Princess where I used to work and that was behind my parents house there).  Played at the pool and had a nice day.  Sunday we again got on the road much too late.  2:30 by the time we got going.  We headed to Las Cruces...I was bummed we were running too late to stop in Tucson and visit friends or the school.  I had a bit of a tear in my eyes as we drove through town...oh I miss Tucson.  On to Las Cruces...again got there super late, super tired and crabby.  Had a bit of bad luck, we call Miller luck...placed a bag on the embankment and it was covered with ants when I went to carry it upstairs...I was bit all over my arm and Brandon put it, I react violently to bug bites...anyone who has seen me after a mosquito bite knows this.  So I was a mess and uncomfortable as hell all night.  Drove on the next day to our next stop Fort there around 2 and it was a dump...I told Brandon keep driving.  So we pushed on to San Antonio...Got here around 7:30 and went to the the fun begins...
We had hoped to put Sally in her kennel in the house, so we called the property manager...he met us there and we went in to find a messy (filthy) house.  We had expected this from a previous call from the PM, but still not a great first impression. I was mad, Brandon was mad and we had a day to get it ready for the movers to show up on Wednesday.  Ugh.  We did get it done and cleaned, but it was not a good talk with the people we are renting from and our PM quit.  Fun.  We got our stuff delivered Wednesday...the kids and I stayed away most of the day since our movers were a shady crew...seriously!  Everything here except for some baskets and a stroller, so that is good...
Moved in Thursday....I stayed here all night Wednesday unpacking...I didn't sleep, but got a ton done minus kids and glad I did.  We still have a lot of things to organize and painting to do...but so far things are much more in place than they were a few days ago.  Zach's room is pink, so plan to paint that blue soon...Kitchen was green and orange, so we are making it the same neutral color as the living room...other rooms will stay the same color for now.  Our yard is all sprinkler system and no rain here....fabulous.  SO that will need to be tackled too, but most of our stuff that is on the second truck is for the yard and not here yet.  So...hopefully that truck gets here soon.  
The house is awesome for the most part.  Huge to us after years in base houses.  Kids are loving the space, the stairs and the room to roam.  I am loving it too.  I hope to get pictures taken and up on here soon...
We have a nice neighborhood pool up the street and some nice neighbors we have already met.  I feel happier than I have in a long time...I think just being out of Edwards lifted my spirits.  I was just so unhappy there in so many ways, about so many things.  Honestly I miss nothing for me...I do miss everything for Zach...his "team" of people that loved him and took such great care of him...I miss them all so much and I know he misses them.  He misses school and his life, but he has told us he loves it here.  Both kids have handled this so well and I think that has helped me. I am hopeful we will get back to normal soon...
Tomorrow is DMV day for us!  I have a dental appointment on Tuesday night.  Pest control, other truck arrival all should happen too.  Brandon to start work this week as well.  I have some calls to make to the Tricare person here to get Zach's behavioral set up and also head to the school I found for Erin to check it out and pay her registration fee.  So...a lot to do and I am ready to get started and settled. 
So...we are here!!!  Texas really is more my kind of place.  People here are so much more friendly...I am glad to be back and excited for our life here.  


AprilJ said...

It sounds like you guys hit the ground running. Glad some of the initial wrinkles are being smoothed out. I hope this week is a great one for you!!

Kelley said...

Sounds like an eventful journey so far...but so glad you are feeling happier! Can't wait to see pics!