Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween...BOO!

When Zach was little I decided to try finger painting a seemed like a safer thing than carving and something he could do...he loved and it then became a thing we do each this year I let Erin on the action...she is such a mess anyway, so this right up her alley. :) They had fun and even though Erin painted more of herself than the pumpkins, I didn't care...seeing them smile was worth it...besides, this is why washable paint exists...I am lucky it was warm enough yesterday to let her run around half naked for a bit and have some fun...we had a good time and got some fun pumpkins out of are some photos of the day and a few of us earlier in the day....I will post more later after we head out in costumes!!! Erin took an hour nap, so it should be interesting....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Almost Halloween...

Hard to believe it is almost Halloween...I think that the weather being so warm here has really thrown me off this year. We usually have warm days, but not weeks like this has been. I don't mind the heat, but I do like to enjoy some fall weather, it is my favorite season in normal places with things like trees...I have none, so pity me. Today was the first day in weeks it went below 80 as the high and we had clouds all was delightful. I was thrilled to wear the same outfit all day and not have to shed into shorts...seriously it sounds great, but it is the end of October! I took some cute photos of the kids today that I wanted to share. I also have some cute ones of them to post in another message...that one in a bit.
I had a nice day in town while Zach was in school...he had a harvest party and made muffins for it. They were so yummy...pumpkin bread muffins...he had fun mixing and helping me stir...he did a really good job this time and was a big helper. I spent the morning enjoying time alone for once...I usually run around and do errands. Today I did go to my Doctor's to pick up and RX I needed...then off to Hallmark to look Hallmark! Then went to the nail salon for a spa pedicure...I had been to this one before and knew I liked it and their prices. It isn't in a part of town I usually stay in, so I was already there and figured it was a good day to do it. I indulged and got a callus removal and sea salt scrub treatment...LOVED IT!!! So worth it. Then I high tailed it to Super Walmart to pick up some food items so I wouldn't have to hit the commissary with two little ones...some extra Halloween candy since I know that I will get more kids than I am prepared for, even with the extra crap. And I got some final Christmas items Brandon and I discussed for the kids. Now I need to mail my huge box back to NC for the holidays. A few items will remain here for the kids when we get home...mainly ones that require being hooked up to the tv or computer, etc. So, I am excited about what I got and hope they will be too. All in all a good day...I had hit Micheal's and TJ Maxx's on Tuesday and got some things I actually needed and wanted, so that was good too...always nice to not come home feeling the guilt of buying things I don't need and must return. :)
So here are some photos more to come later, but wanted to post some now...
Zach making his muffins...

Oh how I love this face....she actually says cheese when you take funny...Zach bugged her so much to do it and now she does...
My wild child...she prefers to play on the coffee table, literally...oh Erin...
Mr. Zach in his Halloween shirt for his party...Costume party at his other school tomorrow...
Mommy and her little man....
All smiles on his way too school...he loves cruising around in the Civic when it is just the two of us...Don't worry, we were at a stop sign. :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My parents left yesterday...I drove them to the airport in is about 2 hours, so I had Erin watch Zach and Erin for me so I wouldn't have to make them sit in the car for the 4 hour car trip...and I knew it would be easier to say goodbye at home for them. We ate dinner and then it was time for me to drive back was hard. I hated seeing them is never easy to say goodbye to them. No matter if we have a fight or disagreement, we talk things out and work things out and I always am thankful for their time. I think that is the thing I wish they would realize most...I just love having the time with them. Yes, it was great to have their help with the kids and chances to do things I can't when I am here alone...but most of all I loved having their company. I loved getting to see them each day, talk, hug, and share my life. It was so much fun to see the kids with them and those relationships blossom and strengthen. Being in our home this time was great...we usually go and visit them for long amounts of time, but their visits to see us are usually very short. So, this was in fact a treat for me and the kids unlike one we had before. I know for my mom and dad though it wasn't easy and wasn't always fun.
My mom and dad went to see my grandmother the first weekend after they got here. It was a hard trip for my mom and emotionally just very draining and painful. My grandmother is declining and a lot and no matter how prepared you are in life for the things to happen, you are never really ready when it is someone you love.
Living here on base limits my parents to being able to go and do freely since they don't have IDs and access to the BX, commissary, etc. So, that makes it hard house is considerably bigger than those I have lived in before in many ways and newer, but it is still small. I gave them my room and bed and bunked out on the sofa bed. It was not too bad and worked out well.
The kids had a wonderful visit. My parents got see Zach's schools...they met his teacher in Palmdale and got to see how our daily lives are here, our routine, what we do, etc. They got to really know Erin a lot more and see her personality and boy does she have one. :) They got to see how the kids interact and the relationship they have which was fun. Zachary has always been very close to my mom and spent more time with her over the years...this trip it was awesome to see his relationship with my dad develop into something much more special and personal. They played together a lot and Zach would ask grandpa to come in his room and then shut the door so they could play alone, telling my mom and I we couldn't come in. So funny. Zach is a special boy and so loving...he just ate up all the time and attention they gave to him. My dad would give him change to put his in piggy bank and Zach would say thank you, tell grandpa what the coins were and then proceed to take half to Erin's bank. No one told him to do that, he just did. He amazes me. He knows we are going to see them in NC on December 14 and he is very excited. I am not as thrilled because I can only think about the travel there and how I am not sure I planned so well....but we live and learn, right.
I am so very thankful to my parents for coming all this way to the middle of no where to spend their time with my family. The love and happiness they brought to the kids and to me was priceless. I needed some perspective and clarity on things and having them to talk to helped me so much. I haven't be shy about stating how much I have been disappointed in my friends here and how sad I am that I have so many wonderful friends that are so far way...I miss them and miss the feeling of having real friends...the people i know here are no friends...they are people I know and to me there is a huge difference. I won't be sad to leave here, that is for sure. So, to have people around that love me and get me was great and something I needed. I am so very lucky to have Jay and Karen as my parents. No, just like me they aren't perfect and we do argue and disagree...but I love them and wouldn't know what to do without them in my life.
7 weeks to go until I head to NC...7 behind me...and 4 left once i get to NC until I see Brandon....I think I can, I think I can...

Friday, October 24, 2008


Okay...I am so ready for this election to be over right now...ELEVEN more days! I heard Michelle Obama say today that is how people are starting to greet each other on the campaign trail and I am feeling it too...November 4th is coming, thankfully! I got my absentee ballot a while ago and took a few weeks to fill it out...I wanted to be sure. I wanted to feel good when I made that choice and I mailed it in. I wanted to do my civic duty, but also do what felt good to me. I am happy with my choice. I mailed Brandon his ballot too and he also voted and sent his back.
I have been getting into these political talks I guess on facebook with some friends that have a bit of differing opinions from mine. I have been a bit frustrated with things going on in the political world as well. I think we all should have opinions and voice them...but respect everyones' opinions while doing that. We all aren't right and no matter how passionate you feel about something, someone else feels just as passionate about their stance on something. Listen to people, open your hearts and minds and maybe we all could learn a thing or two.
My friend posted some links on her facebook site...their fired me up a bit I have to say. I have to share them and let you make up your mind...that is only fair right...but I plan to blog as my friend Kelley reminds me, so I am saying it like I see it...
Okay both of these are coming from the Catholic news already I am sure you can see their is a bias. I am Catholic, so I can say that.
My friend posted these on facebook with comments about how the second one was so wrong and the first was reminding us to vote our conscience. is my the videos if you care to know what the heck I am talking about...
The first one is a video clip made by the Catholic church to remind of us what is at stake this election...I am Catholic as I said and I watched it...and at the end I thought it told me who to vote for pretty clearly...It showed a fetus and talked about saving a life...talked about the definition of marriage and showed to men getting married...hmmm...wonder what they are talking about here. Okay...lets lay it out there...just say it. I hate the vagueness...say what you mean!!!
Second one is about comments Obama made at a rally speech...discussing if a teen gets pregnant and referred to it as a mistake and then saying he wouldn't want one of his daughters to be punished if they got pregnant with not having is my take...
First the Catholic Church...I expect them to be pro right wing...not that the priests in the church have always been good moral statues of society...but I know they are anti abortion and they are anti gay marriage...I get that. But the ad is just so annoying to me...pretty music, moving with your conscience...subliminal messaging much? I have a good friend that is gay and in a serious relationship with a man....another friend that is gay and in one with a woman. Both have been with their partners for year and are very happy. Both share homes, one shares a child. I would never want to tell them you don't have the right to love who you want. They are happy and I think they deserve that....all of us do...if you find happiness, grab it and don't let go. I don't necessarily want to see marriage changed, but i do want to see the laws changed to give gay couples the same rights that they deserve and I have. I want our society to get over some of its crap and see the big picture...There are tons of heterosexual couples that are screwed up raising kids...but we think it is wrong for a loving gay couple to adopt a baby. I say if I child can living in a loving home than we should all support that.
Second...the pro lifers jumped on Obama. I agree his words were not the best in his rally speech and even I cringed a bit with the words being chosen, but step back...listen to it all with an open mind. If he has two daughters and one is raped and ends up pregnant...wouldn't he consider that punishment for her to have to keep a baby from that...I would. I have had friends who have had abortions...several in fact. I don't look at them and question their motives or wonder if I was in their shoes, what would I have done. I can't. I am not God. I know that I have to make choices in life for me. But I will not make them for others when it comes to something like a human life. If someone feels they don't want a baby, can't handle having one, had something traumatic happen to create it...then who am I to tell them to keep it. Plus we have tons of babies in this country up for adoption that no one wants because they aren't newborns and is a fact. Adoption isn't always a choice for some people...they then have to carry a baby to term and go through more trauma, especially for rape or incest victims. I am not preaching that I think abortions are good. I am not pro-abortion as Mr. McCain called it in his last debate...I am pro CHOICE! I myself have always wanted to have a baby and am thrilled God blessed me with two amazing ones...I have never had to make that choice, but I can't judge others who have. They must live with their choices...McCain actually agrees with me...he is for abortion rights in the case of incest and rape, health of the mother...he is for stem cell research...I watched Hard Ball the other night when the representative from Planned Parenthood was on and a Pro Life spokesperson...oh man...the Planned Parenthood lady was so calm and the other one was yelling and screaming...planned parenthood is not an abortion center...they council people...they help with adoption information and for people wanting to keep their child, but are young, scared, etc. They give you options....CHOICES! You are the person that has to make the choice, follow through and live with it...
I have been so annoyed with the recent turn of nastiness in the ads. I think it is sad we have sunk the level of robo calls calling people terrorists...I like McCain a lot...I think that is low.
Honestly I would have been so much more torn if McCain had picked a different running mate...Sarah Palin just kills me...I actually agree with more of what McCain says than I do with most other republicans...but she and I are not on the same page...I don't think we read the same book. I think having her sitting next to him was a mistake and a scary option if he were to die, for her to run this great nation. A nation built on giving us CHOICES! Freedom of speech (I love that one)...freedom to choose our religion without persecution. Freedom of the press. Freedom to have a democratic election. To face our accusers if we are accused of a many wonderful opportunities to be a part of participate in our nation...I love that about our country. I am hoping that on November 4th we don't just vote based on scare tactics and accusations slung around...we don't vote based on religion or race or our socioeconomic status...we vote on what we want for the future of this great land and who we think can help get us there...
Only 11 more days...

I was tagged...

My friends Kelly and Karla both tagged here I go...

10 Years Ago - 1998

1. I was in college at the University of Arizona.

2. I was just about to meet my future husband at the end of this month and start dating him next month.

3. I lived in a one bedroom apartment in Tucson alone.

4. My ex-boyfriend had moved to Tucson and was harrassing/stalking me.

5. I was working hard in college and enjoying my major for the first time...

5 Things on tomorrows to-do list

1. Laundry (forever doing laundry)

2. clean out my nasty manage to get food in ever crevice.

3. Spend time doing fun things with my mom and dad

4. Maybe going to a party...

5. maybe, hopefully...relaxing?

5 Things I would do if I were a millionare

1. Buy my husband a plane (I do love him that much, but also think of how it benefits me!)

2. Pay off bills, debt and stash away a lot to have for future needs....

3. Give to some worthwhile charities i believe deeply in...

4. Give to my loved ones things they need or wouldn't otherwise buy on thier own...

5. I would indeed buy myself a house at the beach...North Carolina coast here I come...

Places I have lived

1. Winston-Salem, North Carolina

2. Eind, Oklahoma

3. Abilene, Texas

4. Jackson, Tennessee

5. Mountain Home, Idaho

Jobs I have had

1. Sales Clerk, Old Navy and Bath and Body Works

2. Children's Case Manager at a Domestic Violence Shelter

3. Kids Club Coordinator at a Hotel Summer Camp

4. Spa Attendent Princess Hotel

5. Visitation and Exchange Coordinator at Family Outreach

People I am tagging...



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Apple Orchard

Yesterday we took a great trip to Tehachapi...a small town about 45 minutes north of the base. It is nestled in the mountains between here and Bakersfield. It is actually a very pretty area with some great rural sights and just a very nice feel...
They have a small apple orchard up there with tiny trees so kids can go and pick apples. I have wanted to take Zach there since he was little, but never have made the trip for one reason or another. He loves apples...literally eats 1-2 a day. So, I knew it would be a hit. He loves to drive and really I couldn't see what he wouldn't like about it. Erin isn't as thrilled in the car as he is and I was a bit worried how she would do in an orchard, but I it was great timing with my mom and dad here to go.
The weather here has been so warm, so it was nice to get up to the mountains and it was about 70...a nice break. The orchard was great and we had a fun trip. The kids loved picking the apples and Erin tested several. We walked and filled our baskets...lots of fun. Then we got to the back and got a big treat...four beautiful horses behind a fence...we were told we could feed them, so we did. I used to ride when I was younger, so I love any chance to be near a horse. The kids had never been that close to one and got to pet them and feed was awesome. Zach was so excited. Then out of no where a donkey appeared....loudest damn thing...HEE HAW! HEE HAW! If Zach had just not relieved himself in the field I swear he would have wet himself right there. It was great to see him laugh out loud and smile with pure delight of the whole day. We just had a nice trip. It was great to get to see a new place, do something different and have a new adventure. I added tons of photos from our day...ENJOY!

I am so glad we had the chance to do this with my mom and dad here and to enjoy the beautiful weather. The kids loved it and I did too.
I have tons more I want to write about, but will have to wait, it is late and I am tired. More tomorrow on my political thoughts, my dinner out, and cute kids comments...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Trips...

I finally got around to downloading the photos from my camera so I can post them...Life has been busy and chaotic, but overall good. Tuesday Zach had a field trip at preschool...he went to the pumpkin dad and I went with him...those photos are at the bottom...he had fun and especially loved the big slide. I was so surprised...last year his field trip was awful...nightmare to be honest. This year he handled the change in his routine and day so well. He waited his turn with minimal whining and really had no nice. Thursday we then went as a family to the pumpkin patch in the town Rosamond...on the outskirts of the west gate of base...still a 20 minute drive from my front door. The town has nothing in it other than an Albertsons, Rite Aid, some homes...very run down to be honest. But, they have a nice pumpkin patch every year and every year we have gone...So my mom and I took the kids to was nice, but very hot and we didn't stay long. Seriously...I like hot, I love summer and of all things of living here, don't mind the desert heat...not when it is still hitting in the 90's daily and it is mid October...that is a bit much even for me.
All in all it was fun. Sadly Zach had a rough Friday night...good AM Saturday, but rough night....good Sunday. He now has a cold though and sounds awful. Poor guy. So...we are waiting for the other shoe to drop, Erin to get sick and right when my mom and dad leave a week from tomorrow, I should get it. :) Can't believe two weeks have come and gone. Hoping to hit the apple orchard in Tehachapi tomorrow with the kids...Zach LOVES apples...eats one a day no joke, sometimes two. So, hopefully he will feel up to it and we can go...
Here are the photos...

Erin had her eyes on some big pumpkins...
Zachary however went for the little pile, knowing he could easily grab one, pick it and head to the jumpy castle...oh my son.
Erin and mommy playing peek a boo in the giant pumpkin....
Zach and I taking a photo...never fails that the kids want nothing to do with the camera on days I have someone to take the photo for me...
Smiley face...
Self portrait of us in the AM...

Still no camera love....but it was a decent attempt...

Got his pumpkin...notice bounce castle in background...he was all about that....
Sadly this was the best group shot I got...our Christmas card will be blank I fear....
Erin unsure of what to do next...
Searching for our pumpkins...
Zach and his friend Luke from his Palmdale preschool...they have been in class together since last January...good pals...
Most of his class with a few random kids thrown in and some missing, but you get the idea...
Coming down the slide with Luke and Ryan (the girl behind him....might be his girlfriend, they held hands a lot while walking from area to area that day).
The monster slide...he loves those things...