Sunday, November 27, 2011

Santa Surprises!

Yesterday we went out to run some errands at a nice shopping place in San Antonio. I had some returns, the kids wanted to spend money at Target on some toys...we have told them no new toys until Christmas, so they had to use their own money if they really wanted anything.  So...we did our shopping and when I ran into do my last return I saw some people old clothing and it looked beautiful. So I went and got the family out the car to see them thing we know, Santa pulls up in a joke.  So we got to have a horse drawn carriage ride with was awesome...Love random moments like this.  It wasn't what we had planned, but super fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't life amazing with surprises like Santa passing by in his sleigh! I love the pictures and can only imagine how thrilled the children were to hop aboard. Such fun.