Sunday, July 11, 2010

This and That...

We have been doing a bit of this and that lately...We had a lot of rain the last few weeks thanks to Hurricane Alex and then Bonnie both bringing the rain up to us...lots of cloudy days. We didn't do any pool things for over a week and we all missed it, so today, off we went. Yeah. It was fun and we all had a good time, ran into friends and played a lot. I love pool days. :)
The kids are both still enjoying Joy Camp. So much so that I have again made another change to Erin's preschool agenda for next fall. Yes, I know it is a bit ridiculous for a 3 year old, but after all I did and went thru with Zach, I think I owe it to her. She had been signed up to return to her old school in Schertz on T/Th and then go to a new school on W/F from 9-11:45. The new school is the one that everyone here raves about and i had to wait in line at 4 AM to get her a spot. I am keeping her there for sure. The school in Schertz was great and we loved it...her teacher was the sweetest woman and she did make some good friends there, but I never thought she was getting a ton out of it. Yes it was a toddler Kids Day Out and from 9-2 I should be just happy she is having fun. But now that she is at this other place, I think it would be a better fit for her and give her more. So I enrolled her for the fall and she will go there on T/TH instead. Hopefully this is the last drama with her and schools for a bit. :)
I am hoping to get her into a dance class too...have a few places I am looking into and will do more of that when we get home. Zachary we are switching things up a bit. No soccer this fall, we don't think it was a good fit for him. We would love to try piano lessons or even cub scouts. He will do tball again in the spring for sure. Looking for things that will be a better fit for him and his needs. His new therapist is great and I am so thankful for her...she is a mom of child with special needs and has done this for a while...I really like her a lot and Zach does well with her. Some days with him are easier than others still, so I am thankful to have the help and insight. She comes two days a week right now during the summer...
We are heading to the beach in one week, I am so ready that I am packed. Yes, you read that right! Me, the person that usually is 10-15 minutes late for everything, packs last minute for most trips, i am packed. I am excited. :)
I just finished reading the Murder's Daughters...very good read. I am loving I just swaped a bunch of books this month and got a bunch of new ones....well new to me. I love reading and this is a fun way to recycle my books and enjoy other people's too. I love to read!!!
Brandon is heading to Abilene again this week to fly (fingers crossed). Should be gone tomorrow and back Thursday night...after a year of not having him gone at all, he has been gone a ton this summer...
When we get back from NC I am hoping to get some fun things in before school starts. We really want to take the kids to Schlitterbauns but have not thought it would be a good idea since Erin is a bit timid of the water...we are hoping that after the beach we will know. It is a huge water park near us and all of our friends rave that it is a blast. I hope we can go, but if not take Zachary at least. We also want to try to explore some more places around our area...go camping up at Canyon Lake for one...They have cabins up there, so we might opt for that and bring a tent to see if the boys want to sleep in that. Just hoping to do some more fun things before school starts back up...seems like our summer has come and gone too fast!!!
I am off to get ready for bed!!!

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