Thursday, July 8, 2010


I love this dog...Sally (aka Sister). She is just a wonderful part of our family. I really do love her a lot and I am so glad that we have had so many years to enjoy her and I look forward to many more...she is almost 10! I can hardly believe it. She still looks and acts more like a puppy than a ten year old dog.
I can honestly say my heart and mind were not sold on the idea of a dog. I remember very clearly living in Enid, having no money, working two jobs and never seeing my husband (we were newly weds and he was in pilot training) and knowing the last damn thing I needed was a dog. I had no intention of getting one. None. Then we got a call.
Our friends April and Clayton called and said, "hey we have your dog over here, you should come see her". I was not amused and basically cursed the entire 3 minute drive over to their house , planning to tell them that no way were we taking in a stray dog. I was completely and totally against the idea. That was until I laid eyes on Sally.
I literally melted. Well it was January and quite remarkably cold in Oklahoma. But she stole my heart. Damn Dog. I really didn't want one...but that face looked out of a plastic igloo at me and then climbed ever so slowly into my lap and I was a goner. She was so small, sweet and scared of everything...she and I instantly were a fit and I knew if I was going to get a dog, this one was a keeper.
We had our concerns when we moved to TX and she managed to eat half of the household items on a daily basis...she even ate drywall at one point. She barked a ton and dug massive holes to China in our backyard. She steals food with such stealth ability it is actually impressive. I thought we would never be able to have children with this dog in our lives. We took her to obedience school and after blowing several hundred dollars I thought we were fools. Brandon deployed leaving me, 6 1/2 months pregnant with Sally. I cam home from work each day tired, swolled and ready to rest. She greeted me like I had been gone 7 years. She willed me to take my much needed walk...she sat with me while I watched endless shows on tv and read books with my feet propped up on 3 pillows. She laid her head right on the crease between my hip and belly and sat each night like that until I turned off the light. Each night at 10 PM (on the dot) Zachary got the hiccups and Sally starred at my stomach with confusion. I was still not sure she was suited for human siblings.
I was wrong.
Sally and Zachary were the BEST of friends when he was little. Each ear infection I learned that Sally was a great remedy for Zach and brought him tons of smiles. She walked with us daily when Brandon was gone...she always played with him gently and took his roughness without every getting rough back. She has always loved him and vice versa. Erin also has been lucky to befriend Sally. She is much more willing to tell Sally no and is more protective of her food than Zach ever was, but both kids adore her. They both love to help me feed, bathe, brush or walk her. They both love to give her treats and get her to do tricks. They both have NO idea how lucky they are that she won my heart all those years ago in Oklahoma.
I know Sally won't be with us forever and that truly makes me tear up and a lump form in my throat. I know she is a dog, but she is my dog. She has been with me for 4 deployments, 6 houses, 3 moves, 4 cities, 2 pregnancies and so many wonderful moments and memories in between. I am so thankful that this "damn dog" proved me wrong and won my heart. She has been on of the best things I never wanted in my life...I am so lucky and thankful for her! We love you Sally!!!


Jo Mama said...

Oh, I so get this one. We had to board our dog a couple of weeks ago and when I dropped him off the vet said "don't worry, we will spoil our favorite senior citizen". I left in tears. Senior citizen? He's only a pup. We are lucky to have a good dog by our side.

Kelley said...

Such a sweet post!!! I remember Sally so well, and am so impressed with how she has adjusted with the kids. Dogs definitely bring so much joy and life to us all. May you have many more years with that "damn dog"!

Karen said...

KEven though she chewed my 49er doll to pieces and ate many of my prepared foods, I still love that damn dog. Sister is truly a one of a kind. Cute picture by the way!

AprilJ said...

obviously we love her, too... hugs to sister.