Thursday, October 13, 2011

Goings on around here...

I don't have any fun photos to share, but promise to share some after the weekend...we plan to travel to Hondo, Texas to a fun pumpkin patch and corn maze this weekend...something new we haven't done before, I hope it will be fun and worth the drive.
We have been super busy around here lately and that is always a good thing, but makes it hard to keep up with the blog and lots of other odds and ends that I need to get to each day.
Erin is loving school...she really loves her lunch bunch days where she goes from 9-3...who would have thought?  I would love to send her every day, but it is expensive and selfishly, I like having her around with me too.  She is really starting to show some interest in reading.  She is sounding out words, talking about what words start with what letter, asking lots of questions on how to say and spell things.  She is constantly drawing and "writing"...thankfully on paper and not her walls right now. :)  She is at that remarkable fun age where it all seems to just click.  I love it. I am also a bit sad to see my baby start to become such a big girl...where did the time go???  She is a ball of joy, energy, fun, laughter and lots of loves. We are so blessed every day with our Erin Taylor...She is becoming a bit more defiant and outspoken, but when push comes to shove, she is a great little girl.  Loving soccer and doing pretty well considering at this age I am not sure any of them know what is really going on...she is usually happiest with her family and big brother.
Zachary is busy.  No way around it.  He is also playing soccer and has 2 practices a week and games on Saturday.  He has therapy 4 days a week directly after school for an hour and his social group on Tuesday nights.  He has been busy with school things at school seem to pop up this time of year.  He went to his first high school football game with Brandon last weekend and LOVED it.  He is going to his first slumber/birthday party on Friday night. I am a bit (okay A LOT) nervous about it, but it is with a family we are good friends with and I know he will be okay.  I have faith in him to make good choices.  He is super excited about it.  He went up the street last weekend and played with a boy in the neighborhood. I usually never let him go alone for  several reasons....Our street is right off the main road and even though they can go ride bikes at the end of it, the slope in it leads right to a busy road.  The boy that always comes down to invite him out usually does so at awful times and it is a bit wild.  But Sunday I chose to step out of my usually over protective mom box and try...I asked him if he wanted to go and reminded him of why I don't like to let him.  He said he would follow all the rules, stay on our street, watch out for traffic and be super safe. I asked him what would would happen to me if something happened to him...he told me, I know you would be heartbroken, so I will be careful.  I was sold on that.  He did great and I only wore a small groove in the floor pacing.
He is doing really well in school and loving it!  He has some great new therapists at the new facility that are all working together with him and I am loving what I am seeing. All in all good things...
Brandon is busy, but doing well too.  He is gearing up for his eye surgery next month. He has chosen to go ahead and get his done, so no more glasses or contacts.  He is super excited, I am totally freaked out by eye drops, so I have no idea how he can be gung ho on this, but they are his peepers not mine. He has been working so hard lately and got put in for field grade officer of the quarter proud of him.  We should know soon...or should I say...we should be able to announce our next base and his school selection very SOON!
I am busy too...running kids here to there...working up at the school doing lots of volunteer work.  Getting projects around the house done and working on cleaning out so much stuff right now.  With a move around the corner it is hard not to feel the need to clean out.
I promise pictures soon!!!!

1 comment:

Eralel83 said...

Fun to hear how your family is doing. I cannot imagine how much older the kids are becoming. But I guess the proof is in the pictures. Time really does fly! Excited to hear about your next assignment. I think of you often and miss you all so much!